Don -- Thanks, yes, that's exactly what I got. I just imagined after the interior is all in and I'm cruising down the road and at a certain speed the harmonics from the wind and the vibration of the motor creating this rubbing of the roof to the bows and driving me nuts.

STREETWERKZ - I have no idea. What I did was use the body line that is just above the windshield frame, in the photo above, and started with that. It turned out to be very close. Then I just sighted them as I worked my way back. I think it is really close.

Steve - Thanks, It tool awhile. What you don't see is all the different ways I tried and threw away Lil' John told me once, how to tell if someone is a good craftsman. He said, "look in their dumpster, if it's got lots of parts in it, the guy is a real craftsman. The hardest person to please should be yourself ". Now I'm nowhere near what John was, but I try to live by that.