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Thread: re- doing seats help..

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  1. #31
    slantback37's Avatar
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    The guy wanting the van seats never called back.. I sent him email as soon as I saw it. Those G6 seats are online. I called the junk yard today. They want anywhere from $75-$150 for the fronts and rears. I have to measure what I have for space now.. I would then have to go threw every car up there to see what fits. Al

  2. #32
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    The guy wanting the van seats never called back.. I sent him email as soon as I saw it. Those G6 seats are online. I called the junk yard today. They want anywhere from $75-$150 for the fronts and rears. I have to measure what I have for space now.. I would then have to go threw every car up there to see what fits. Al
    Well, you could quickly eliminate a several just walking by because they're clearly too big, to ugly or whatever but even if you did measure every seat in the yard, it would probably be easier and cheaper than recovering those van seats.
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  3. #33
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    True.. The G6 seats are from a 4dr, so that wouldn't help any.. I would still have the problem of not being able to get to the back seat.. how would I know if those different seats will fit?? I can measure from my original seat bottom up to the package tray, and from side to side across the seat to the door panels.. That right?? Al

  4. #34
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    True.. The G6 seats are from a 4dr, so that wouldn't help any.. I would still have the problem of not being able to get to the back seat.. how would I know if those different seats will fit?? I can measure from my original seat bottom up to the package tray, and from side to side across the seat to the door panels.. That right?? Al
    Oh, didn't realize the G6 seats were from a 4dr. The G6 also comes in a coupe. Maybe the one on craigslist is a coupe. Might be worth a call. The coupes probably have a shorter back seat, too.

    as for what seats will fit in the back, yes, take all the measurements you mentioned then scout around for something that is close. Obviously, the closer to your measurements, the less fabrication it will take. As I said previously, the 90's-2000's Mustangs, Acura coupe, Honda Accord coupe, Camaro, various, small to mid size Chevys, 90's BMW's 3series (except you they're all leather usually) Chrysler Sebring, etc. Heck, you can add Scion TC and various Toyotas to the mix as well...

    For the fronts, you have an idea of where the seat will need to be mounted to reach the steering wheel and pedals. Take measurements at that location from the center hump over to the door panel and some front to rear measurements of that location too. Then you'll know what kind of space you have to work with.
    Last edited by randyr; 11-05-2010 at 04:02 PM.
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  5. #35
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    Found these.. I would ask at the junk yard in town first to see if they have any, though I don't think there were any 4dr Grand Prix's..
    Does anyone have a 2004-2008 Pontiac Grand Prix that could go and measure from door panel to door panel in the back, and from the seat to the package tray ( the back seat) Thanks.. Al

  6. #36
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    Found these.. I would ask at the junk yard in town first to see if they have any, though I don't think there were any 4dr Grand Prix's..
    Does anyone have a 2004-2008 Pontiac Grand Prix that could go and measure from door panel to door panel in the back, and from the seat to the package tray ( the back seat) Thanks.. Al
    Hate to burst your bubble but I think there was only a 4dr Gran Prix from 04-08.
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  7. #37
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    I'll see if I can find some.. Al

  8. #38
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    You are right.. Is there anyway to cnvert a solid seat into one that tilts?? Still do like that back seat design on the 04-08. The 03 front seat sucks. I am not sure if it would even fit yet though. I don't think it would be wise to go to the junk yard today though.. Deer hunting season started today, and those guys will shoot anything that moves.. Al

  9. #39
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    Well I have been looking at seats. I like the ford Fusion, Mustang, and Camaro seats. Now I have to find out what they measure, and make sure that the front seats tilt foward and find some close to home.. I will have another project to do this winter.. Anyone know what any of those measure??

  10. #40
    35fordcoupe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Which Camaro seats? I have a pair of 93-02 seats in my car (mounting them today actually). They fit pretty good with enough room for a small console between and are fairly supportive, but might not have a high enough back for you and don't have an adjustable head rest. Maybe look at the 93-02 firebird/trans am seats.

    Wait are you talking about rear seats? The rear camaro seat is pretty bare bones and small. I have an extra grey leather rear seat, but it also has a 30th (anniversary) logo one it.
    '35 Ford coupe- LT1/T56, '32 Ford pickup, 70 GTO convertible, 06 GTO


  11. #41
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    Well i am looking at these now. The front seats were measured, and come in real nice. Just need the back seat measured to see what happens. Same with the Camaros. The front seats should work fine.. Just the rear seat I will need to see what happens. if need be because of how far down it is to my driveshaft, and rear diferential I should be able to just cut down to even with the front of the riser, and do a right angle using 16 gauge sheet metal.. Al

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    Well i am looking at these now. The front seats were measured, and come in real nice. Just need the back seat measured to see what happens. Same with the Camaros. The front seats should work fine.. Just the rear seat I will need to see what happens. if need be because of how far down it is to my driveshaft, and rear diferential I should be able to just cut down to even with the front of the riser, and do a right angle using 16 gauge sheet metal.. Al
    Those look pretty good, Al. Cutting up the rear floor might not help too much because it follows the contour of the frame back there. Maybe you have a friend or neighbor with a late model mustang you could check out for measurements and fitting that back seat. If not, a used car lot is bound to have one. Also, if you're bidding on those particular seats be sure to check the shipping cost from Georgia. That can get a little pricey.
    Good luck!
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  13. #43
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    No. Not bidding. Going to call the junkyard from work tomorrow. When I called before.. For cloth seats both front and rear would be $175. I would have to take them out.. No problem.. When I took out those van seats from there a couple of years ago it was -24 and ther was also a strong wind. I able to be inside, but someone had alread taken the doors.
    From what I have found out today.. The 93-11 Mustang seats would work. The front seat on the 09 is close to what I have now. Just not as wide which is fine. The back seat is 40" wide. I figure I have 49" leaving about 1 1/2" total. Still waiting to see what the depth , and seat back is.. Al

  14. #44
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slantback37 View Post
    No. Not bidding. Going to call the junkyard from work tomorrow. When I called before.. For cloth seats both front and rear would be $175. I would have to take them out.. No problem.. When I took out those van seats from there a couple of years ago it was -24 and ther was also a strong wind. I able to be inside, but someone had alread taken the doors.
    From what I have found out today.. The 93-11 Mustang seats would work. The front seat on the 09 is close to what I have now. Just not as wide which is fine. The back seat is 40" wide. I figure I have 49" leaving about 1 1/2" total. Still waiting to see what the depth , and seat back is.. Al
    The seat style, both front & rear, changed in '05 to the ones in your ebay link. They probably bolt into the previous years though. There are creative ways to fill up the gap on the sides of the back seat if the height is good. Hope it works for ya. Also hope it's not -24 when you go to pull them! LOL!
    I get spoiled here. Went to the salvage yard this morning to get some parts for my truck. It was about 65 degrees. Last week it as 90.
    "It is not much good thinking of a thing unless you think it out." - H.G. Wells

  15. #45
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    No. Not -24. going to be 34 next Saturday. Might be snowing also. Eaiser to call first. I will have to look for the 93-04 seats first. if the rear seat sits to low.. A few shims here and there.. it would be kind of nice if I could raise the front about 3 1/2". I have set of Bose speakers I would like to put just under the seat in the riser.. I don't think I will have any problems with the back seat, or the front.. just have to get some first. Al

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