Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this last week we had over 7.5" of rain. I'm not sure of exactly how much we had because my gauge (which measures up to 3") overflowed twice.
A tornado (not very common in our area,) whipped through our local village destroying three houses and severely damaging eight more. (Total house numbers would be around thirty.)
We were without power from 5:30 am Tuesday until 6:00 pm Thursday. We personally weren't too badly affected; we have a wee generator to keep fridges and freezers cold and because we've done a lot of camping over the years we've got gas lights and portable gas-cooking facilities.
We've also got a back-up gravity-fed water reticulation system.
The hill in our backyard (Mt Egmont,) had no snow on it last week.
Thursday arvo when the clouds cleared the snow was down to the bush-line.
Tuesday/Wednesday the rain was literally horizontal; hitting the tops of the window frames 7 ft under the deck.
We lost two trees, one a ponga (tree fern,) the other a lawsoniana around 100 yrs old. No damage was done to any structure.
Our neighbour wasn't so lucky...he had a pine come down across his (formerly my) tractor-shed/workshop.
It's buggered. Completely destroyed.
Many of the local roads were closed because of power lines (and poles,) and trees across them.
You could say that the weather was pretty stink.

Over the previous two weeks I'd got my scaffolds out and cut down three separate potential wind-blow trees/limbs.
By crikey I'm bloody glad I did!
One of them would have landed across the end of the house; the other two into the side of my main shed.
It's good when you get something right!