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Thread: Office of the President of the USA

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  1. #16
    onekarnut's Avatar
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    100% The President should be the leader of the nation not of the Republican or Democratic party. That's what he was elected for. Term limits for all elected positions, limited to two terms.
    Bring back the pledge of allegiance and prayer in school.
    That would be a start in the right direction.
    Glen on your way to the beach in Galveston give this ole country boy a call and stop by. We're halfway between Houston and Galveston 23 mi either way, I make a wicked cup of java.

  2. #17
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onekarnut View Post
    Term limits for all elected positions, limited to two terms.
    Congress will not pass a law limiting their terms, so there is no way to make this happen without having a Constitutional Convention. If we have a Constitutional Convention, then the most cherished of Constitutional Amendments will be on the table for change also. We could easily lose the 1st and 2nd Amendments in such a debacle. No, the easy way to limit terms is simply not to vote for re-election for anyone. Do not vote for an incumbent. Simple, simple, simple.

    Two terms is too long, it allows the Representative or Senator to be courted by big money and to establish a war chest of money for his or her re-election bid. Then they are bought and paid for by big money and will have to vote the way big money wants them to vote. One term is plenty.

    Last edited by techinspector1; 08-20-2017 at 06:06 AM.
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  3. #18
    shine's Avatar
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    i would love to go to a protest but i have to work for a living .
    i am making sure my god son learns about our history. good reading for kids is bill orilley's killing books . i also get him to watch the old war movies like midway . i tell him the story of how my granma sent 4 boys to war and only 2 returned. i feel it is important for him to understand that freedom is not free.

  4. #19
    prpmmp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by techinspector1 View Post
    Congress will not pass a law limiting their terms, so there is no way to make this happen without having a Constitutional Convention. If we have a Constitutional Convention, then the most cherished of Constitutional Amendments will be on the table for change also. We could easily lose the 1st and 2nd Amendments in such a debacle. No, the easy way to limit terms is simply not to vote for re-election for anyone. Do not vote for an incumbent. Simple, simple, simple.

    Two terms is too long, it allows the Representative or Senator to be courted by big money and to establish a war chest of money for his or her re-election bid. Then they are bought and paid for by big money and will have to vote the way big money wants them to vote. One term is plenty.

    Thanks Tech!! I guess I,m only half right(left)! Pete

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine View Post
    i would love to go to a protest but i have to work for a living .
    i am making sure my god son learns about our history. good reading for kids is bill orilley's killing books . i also get him to watch the old war movies like midway . i tell him the story of how my granma sent 4 boys to war and only 2 returned. i feel it is important for him to understand that freedom is not free.
    Hey Shine!! If you really want to teach him about WW2, Start with WW1!! Pete

  6. #21
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prpmmp View Post
    Hey Shine!! If you really want to teach him about WW2, Start with WW1!! Pete
    Or, you could do what I'm in the process of doing for my grandchildren, listing and detailing every form of government on the planet from day one.

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  7. #22
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    How about this these thoughts??

    Do away with the Senate-they don't do anything that the hOUSE doesn't already do except approve sec of cabinet and judges-----how much would that save??????and also would certainly expedite the passing of new stuff( or voting them down)

    Limit Congress to one term but make it a 3 year period that rotates between Presidential elections so as there isn't ever any period of time(like now every two years) that the entire country is on an election swing-back and forth, back and forth----AND guarantee that they can return to there old jobs ( just like military draftees) after the 3 years are over-and there is NO CONGRESSIONAL RETIREMENT and/or special health care provisions ( that would make them pass a decent health care program before they took there first break)

    Pay------lets be real positive here and pay them what a 2nd Lt. or maybe E7 enlisted man gets plus housing if they are married and have family-If single they can live in a barracks while in Washington---and for travel, there home states pick up the tab, but it being based on economy flights with a deduction from the airlines to ofset part of cost of FAA and air traffic control-------

    Immigrants---------while here they will have to go thru vigorius health check up before entry , drive an American basic entry level econo car, attend classes at schools that teach basic English, American History, Math, and trade schools including welding and truck driving, plus those family members that are 18+ will be inducted into military---------

    Time for 2nd cup of coffee
    NTFDAY, DennyW, papadaddio and 3 others like this.

  8. #23
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    thankfully i live in small town texas . we do not put up with leftist crap . anything strange at school and the parking lot fills with trucks. yes he will know his us history and heavy on the 50's-60's as i feel that is where we went terribly wrong .
    mostly he will learn to take care of himself . raise his own food and provide for himself .
    NTFDAY, Rrumbler, DennyW and 1 others like this.

  9. #24
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    one thing is we need civics and economics back in school .
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  10. #25
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onekarnut View Post
    Glen on your way to the beach in Galveston give this ole country boy a call and stop by. We're halfway between Houston and Galveston 23 mi either way, I make a wicked cup of java.
    You can count on it. We have dear friends in Sugarland so you'll be on our list!
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  11. #26
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    I think you’re on to something Jerry – I’d go a step further and say that for the most part, Senators and Congressmen should stay at an office within their district and conduct national business via teleconference like the rest of the tax paying businesses in the US. We regularly have WebEx and it saves tons of travel dollars as well as encourages 100% participation as people can join from anywhere as long as there’s an Internet connection. Our elected officials are all milking cash cows in Washington DC and while their salaries are huge they are nothing in contrast to the perks and lobbying money they receive. If a representative knew they could actually be held accountable to their constituents face-to-face at the local church/parish/synagogue, grocery, or hardware store. And oh-by-the-way, all lobbyist would be limited in their ability to give money – say a dollar or maybe lunch at McDonalds or Wendy’s so they could actually interface with the folks they are supposed to be representing.

    Another requirement would be a day a week in a local establishment, i.e., serving at a soup kitchen, reading stories to 3rd graders at a struggling elementary school, raking leaves for elderly folks or painting at a local residence. Probably sounds too much like serving and we all know our “public servants” have long forgotten that concept.
    Rrumbler, stovens and Whiplash23T like this.
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  12. #27
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    I already posted my honest opinion of the only action which can actually drain the swamp, the rest is just lip service, but here are some less extreme actions:

    Abolish the Fed and it's ponzi scheme called fiat currency, re evaluate gold to $10,000/oz. And reinstate article one section ten of the US Constitution. (Gold standard)

    Term limits.
    Any lagislator may have two rems in the Senate, the house, the supreme court, and the presidency.

    If one could do it all, then it would be a nice career.

    Abolish all legislation which is preferential exclusively to lawmakers. Starting with the constitutional amendment protecting their salaries. Retirement requires a FULL 20 years of service. No special health plans. (NOT exempt from any program passed for the unwashed masses.)

    Eliminate legislation which promotes corporations to the status of people. Make the top three wage earners of a corporation PERSONALY responsible for fraud perpetrated by their corporation.

    Illegal immigration to be a felony: punishable by immediate deportation and charge their country of origin $10,000. Second offense mandatory execution by the most expedient, cheapest means possible, cremation and charge the country of origin $100,000. Abolish legislation protecting their children.

    Declare Islam a terrorist cult without protection under first amendment. Any criminal action of a known Muslim to be prosecuted as a terrorist action, considered to be treasonable: the defendant may choose deportation and loss of citizenship, or death.

    If you like those, I've got more. But if we are going to have this country last another 200 years, the time for lip service is gone.
    NTFDAY, Rrumbler, DennyW and 1 others like this.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  13. #28
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Damn, I thought I was a radical patriot, but Jerry, Glenn and firebird have showed me the way home. Great stuff fellows.....

    NTFDAY, Rrumbler and Whiplash23T like this.

  14. #29
    shine's Avatar
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    they are driving us nuts here over constitutional carry and the convention of states.
    first we have ccl and open carry already . these fools are paid lobbyist.
    the convention of states worries me because i dont trust them enough . not crazy about them rewriting amendments. sneaky way to take away rights. just dont know. to me we already have term limits. it's called voting .
    ted dehaan likes this.

  15. #30
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shine View Post
    they are driving us nuts here over constitutional carry and the convention of states.
    first we have ccl and open carry already . these fools are paid lobbyist.
    the convention of states worries me because i dont trust them enough . not crazy about them rewriting amendments. sneaky way to take away rights. just dont know. to me we already have term limits. it's called voting .

    I agree, but I can't vote in St. Louis, Kansas City, LA, Chicago, etc and the world has witnessed what happens when you elect a knuckle dragging neanderthal to the state senate in Missouri.
    I won't build a wall but I will deploy a Regiment of Marines all along the border with orders to shoot anything that crosses. I will deliver an ultimatum to all of the towel heads that if the violence in the world doesn't end immediately Mecca will glow. I will issue the same ultimatum to the little fat boy and if the Chinese and Russians don't like it, you're next.
    All of the assholes who vowed to leave this country if Trump was elected, guess what, they just got their wish.
    And I would find a way to deal with Soros that he won't like and that goes for his family as well.
    I would then outlaw ALL public unions and get the fed government out of primary education
    Any sob that marches down the street wearing a mask, unless he's The Lone Ranger or its Halloween, will be shot on site.
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