Quote Originally Posted by 1gary View Post
To "vote" someone else in office just because.............and that someone else isn't a sure bet,is bad logic.
This statement is going to get people to post,but if you think neither choice are good ones,then don't vote.
I don't mean it to seem that I am in disagreement with everything you say, but the things you bring up just get me passionate enough to respond. It sounds to me like you want to vote along with the majority of voters who are supporting the candidate, no matter who you vote for or his/her party affiliation. While I support the idea of voting across party lines, I will not vote for anyone just because they show the majority of support. Look at how many times the majority of voters have installed a dud. For instance, I voted for Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996, because I thought he would do a better job in Washington. When I stepped into the voting booth, I knew that he didn't have a prayer, but that didn't stop me from voting for the man that I thought could do the job better than the other two.

Quote Originally Posted by 1gary View Post
The concept of every man is responsible for his own destiny is not really how it works.Talk to Pat or Jerry or me for that matter,to open and run a business it takes more than hard work.Bottom line it takes money.It is like having a huge order and not the machines,labor,or raw materials to fill the order.Who limits that success??. Really doesn't take that much of a imagination to conclude that. To say Obama isn't for the small business and that is why we can't elevate ourselfs just doesn't make sense. It is been money the issue for alot longer than Obama has been in office. A system of have and have nots.
Bull Hockey. My ex and I started two companies from scratch in 1979/1980, with no more than a couple hundred bucks in the bank and operated them at a profit of ~$300,000 a year for the next 20+ years, employing an average of 15 people. The only thing that anyone has to do in this country is to get up off his dead ass and make a concerted attempt. Don't misunderstand, we made perhaps a half dozen earlier attempts that failed, but our entreprenurial spirit was unaffected and we persisted until we met with success. I seem to remember that Edison went through over 7,000 filament experiments before he found one that would work in his new light bulb. Very rare is the case where someone gets it right the first time or first few times, but it is possible to create a business from scratch with little or no money in this country and have it make a living for the creator.

Your view that there are haves and have-nots doesn't fly with me. With determination, anyone can be successful in this country.