Hi all, I am new this hot rod building process but learning fast!. I have fitted an L300 front end which has been fitted in back to front. The steering arms appear to be symetrical and I look like I have good Ackerman geometry. I fitted a later model L300 rack and everything looks to be working well. I would like to retain the mitsubishi brakes and if possible , the stub axles. Will I be able to carry out adjustments to achieve the required camber and caster. I know that many have fitted holden stub axles and steering arms , presumably so that they can use the commodore steering rack but is this necessary? I have also seen suggested , the use of 86 falcon stub axles and 97 falcon p/s rack. If I am forced to change away from standard components, which of the above mods is the prefered option and how can I find out in more detail, how to carry out the required work. Any help appreciated!

required work?