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Thread: L300 suspension into 36 dodge

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  1. #1
    karoonga is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    L300 suspension into 36 dodge


    Hi all, I am new this hot rod building process but learning fast!. I have fitted an L300 front end which has been fitted in back to front. The steering arms appear to be symetrical and I look like I have good Ackerman geometry. I fitted a later model L300 rack and everything looks to be working well. I would like to retain the mitsubishi brakes and if possible , the stub axles. Will I be able to carry out adjustments to achieve the required camber and caster. I know that many have fitted holden stub axles and steering arms , presumably so that they can use the commodore steering rack but is this necessary? I have also seen suggested , the use of 86 falcon stub axles and 97 falcon p/s rack. If I am forced to change away from standard components, which of the above mods is the prefered option and how can I find out in more detail, how to carry out the required work. Any help appreciated!

    required work?

  2. #2
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Is this the front suspension that you have swapped in?
    Unless someone on this forum has done this swap before, you may be on your own here.


  3. #3
    karoonga is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    L300 into 36 dodge


    Hi, Thanks for responding. Yes , thats the suspension I have fitted.
    I think the reason most have gone to the trouble of using either ford of Holden( here in OZ) stub axles is purely because they want to run larger brakes( 10 inch) and the fact that the steering racks to suit are cheaper than those from Mitsubishi. Otherwise the suspension geometry seems to be fine. This suspension lines up perfectly with the dodge frame, almost as though it were made for it!

  4. #4
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karoonga View Post
    This suspension lines up perfectly with the dodge frame, almost as though it were made for it!
    Don't you just love it when a good plan comes together?


  5. #5
    rspears's Avatar
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    First, welcome to CHR. You're in Southern Australia, and like Tech says it's not likely that you're going to get much detailed help here unless one of our members from the extreme deep south jumps in here. SharpMark over in NZ seems to have a good handle on some of the swaps, for one. The models you mention (Holden's, Falcon's in the '80's & '90's) are not offered up here, and we don't see them imported as previously owned vehicles so you'll be educating us as you go!
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  6. #6
    karoonga is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Have booked into our local suspension expert to get it checked but it looks like camber and caster will come up ok amd bump steer shouldn't be a problem as those mitsubishi springs are very firm as standard. I will keep you informed. Engine will be a 4 litre lexus v8, vvti version with modest 290 hp, runs a 5 sp auto box

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    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karoonga View Post
    Have booked into our local suspension expert to get it checked but it looks like camber and caster will come up ok amd bump steer shouldn't be a problem as those mitsubishi springs are very firm as standard. I will keep you informed. Engine will be a 4 litre lexus v8, vvti version with modest 290 hp, runs a 5 sp auto box
    After living through the trials & tribulations that jb has had on his school bus converted to RV, getting it certified safe and road worthy over in NZ we know that it can be a challenge in that part of the world if your regulations are the same or similar. Best of luck with the process, and we'd enjoy seeing pictures of the progress as you can. There's a "sticky" thread at the top of the "Shop Talk" forum section if you need any guidance there.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  8. #8
    lamin8r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karoonga View Post
    Have booked into our local suspension expert to get it checked but it looks like camber and caster will come up ok amd bump steer shouldn't be a problem as those mitsubishi springs are very firm as standard. I will keep you informed. Engine will be a 4 litre lexus v8, vvti version with modest 290 hp, runs a 5 sp auto box
    Karoonga,,the L300 swap isn't done anywhere near as often as the L200 ute front end,here in NZ..In fact,,the thing to do with those,is the L200,with the L300 rotors,etc,which is a bolt on,for the bigger brakes.. They ''fall'' under a great number of vehicles here,in fact..A real easy job..Also,,the L200,pre 1991,I think,is the better unit,as it fits under a 33/34 Ford chassis without mods..Should go under the 36 Dodge as easy.. As a point to note,Roger,and Tech,,our little L200 Mitsubishi ute,was marketed,I think,in the US,,as a Dodge,,but can't remember what it was called up there..
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  9. #9
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    As lamin8r said, the L200 is the more common swap, but seeing as you've already used the L300, and it works, don't be distressed about it.
    Is there anyone in your local hot-rodding fraternity that could give you help and advice?
    Hot-rodders are (usually,) a pretty gregarious bunch, only too pleased to help out a fellow rodder.
    Owing to the popularity of this particular setup, there's bound to be someone local who has either done it, or knows someone who has, and wouldn't mind you picking their brains.
    Ask around!

    Hope it works out for you!
    Mountain man. (Retired.)
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  10. #10
    karoonga is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    L300 into 36 dodge continued.


    Hello again,
    The L300 front end was pulled out and spun around to give original front steer maintaining correct ackerman geometry. I found that an early torana(LH) rack was about the right size so that has been welded in. Took second attempt to locate it at correct height and square to the front end to give me required bump steer measurements. I had to machine up a copuple of extensions for the rack ends. I have noticed now though, that after fitting the rods that brace back to the chassis, that the bump steer measurements have changed a little, so may need to adjust the toe in/ toe out a little more to re-correct that. Have any of you retained the original l300 springs, they are rather stiff. The torana springs look as though they will fit, about 3mm coil diameter increase and more compliant. Guess the best thing to do is fit the springs , then the engine and see where it all sits and then get some custom springs made. Thank you to all those people who have offered support. Much appreciated.
    lamin8r likes this.

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