Thread: holley 750 ( not DP)
10-18-2004 10:58 AM #1
holley 750 ( not DP)
carb was rebuilt recently but still has some quirks, im not good with them so i bought a 770 street avenger, i had to rob a fuel line fitting for my street avenger off of it because the one fromt he avenger wasnt threaded ( quality control??) i will put the un threaded unit on the carb so it will have to be threaded before you hook it up of course. its a model 3310-4 which is a 4150 i believe. asking $50 for it plus shipping email me at knockyerblockoff@sbcglobal.netJay
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10-25-2004 04:54 PM #2
I`m interested in the carb. could you find out what the shipping charge would be to Wichita Ks. thanks what kind of quirks did you notice?
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