I just acquired a 1988 302 with fuel injection and electronic ignition for my 1952 Ford Victoria...

I do not know anything about fuel injection units or the electronics on a Ford 302...

I have some questions, I need help on.

1. Can the manifold be swapped for a stock type manifold?
2. Can I exchange the distributor with a normal type distributor?
( By normal, I mean I do not have the "brain" for the
distributor and would like a simplified distributor to
swap out.)
3. Can I just take off a whole crap load of hoses and wiring to
simplify the whole mess?

I just want a normal type engine with old school tech so I can eliminate all the crap hanging on this engine...

Does anyone know these engines and able to help me out?

Signed.... Splinter..

If I can't find answers I will just swap everything out and put in a Chevy 350... I know what I can do with that!!!
