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Thread: 64 galaxie 5.0 engine swap

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  1. #1
    64 in progress is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 64 galaxie

    64 galaxie 5.0 engine swap


    Can I use the stock 5.0 (89 mustang GT donor) engine mount on my 64 galaxie. It originally had the 352 FE. Any kind of info would help. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    vara4's Avatar
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    Yes you can but your going to be changing more then just your engine.The 352 is a big block and it would be alot easier to swap
    out the 352 for one of these engines 332, 360, 390, 391, 406, 410, 427, and the 428. these are all FE big blocks. One of these would be the easyest swap engine for engine. If you change to a small block 221, 260, 289, 302, and 351 windsor, you'll have to change the motor mounts, trany, drive line and probably some other stuff too.

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  3. #3
    vara4's Avatar
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    Any other ford lovers reply too this.

    ~ Vegas ~

  4. #4
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I tend to agree with vara4. Practically any engine can be swapped out, just depends on what you are looking for. IMO that ' 64 Galaxie is one heavy car and I believe a 390 or larger would serve you better than a small block.
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  5. #5
    Mike P's Avatar
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    Well being as how no one has stepped up here you go.

    You will have to will have to use 64 289 mounts (believe they are still available at most part stores). That's just the start.

    I believe you will find that your motor has a dual sump oil pan. That and the pickup will need to be changed to an early style front sump pan and pickup.

    The 352 (and 390/427 cars) used an expansion tank and filler bolted to the engine block with a hose that ran to the radiator. You will either need to change to a small block radiator or use an in hose filler neck.

    Your exhaust of will need to be changed.

    The 352 tranny/bellhousing will not fit the small block. If your going to use the tranny out of the Mustang use, I believe you will need you to relocate the rear crossmember rearward.

    As has been pointed out these are big heavy cars and are a lot of fun with a torque monster big block. Keep in mind they also came from the factory with 6 Cyls 289s and I've even heard rumors of a few fleet units with 221s. Gearing is going to be critical to move the car around. Ideally a set of reasonably deep gears 3.50-3.89s with an overdrive would still make this a fun car.

  6. #6
    thesals's Avatar
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    i had a 64 convertable with a 289... and it could be up to 80 coming off the on ramp which is pretty good for a big beast with a little small block.... but i personally reccomend rebuilding that 352... you're going to have a boatload of problems putting that 5.0 in there and you wont enjoy it half as much as just getting the other motor rebuilt and energized

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