Thanks for the quick, detailed responses gents, I really appreciate the insight! Hopefully someone else will have some information on rod choice. I'll be looking into the cam acquisition as well as the piston recommendation. I plan on getting this block to the machine shop within the next couple of weeks and I'll have to have the pistons handy for fitment to the new bores so thanks again for making up my mind on that. The best part? Summit is less than 15 miles from the house. Convenient to say the least.

I've got two complete 2V Clevelands one of which is in my '71 Mach 1. I plan on building that one but the other one is certainly up for grabs. I don't have any detailed information on casting numbers or condition right now but wouldn't mind looking for you. I picked that one up at the same time as the Mach 1 and just stuck it in the building with the rest of the "I'll get to it later" pile. Let me know what you're looking for and I'll check to see if it matches your needs.

Again, thanks.
