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Thread: Help! 1952 Ford F-1 Rewire 66 mustang 289 engine

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  1. #1
    eddiegillespie's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1952 Ford F-1 Pickup

    Exclamation Help! 1952 Ford F-1 Rewire 66 mustang 289 engine


    Hello everyone im new to this site im 17 years old and i have a 1952 ford f1 pickup truck with a 1966 289 mustang engine when i first got this truck it had the engine and was wired but somone didnt finsh did a quick job or somthing happend and they had to rip it apart... so i got it running just by jumping it with a wire from the coil to the "+" side of the battery and the starter selonid just to see if it ran and it started right up. i been doing the brakes just greesing them up and putting in a few new springs and what it needs so its almost ready to be able to move it in and out of the garage but im stuck on one part and i need some help! so i want to get the system wired up so i can start it with the ignition and pretty much get some wires connected can someone please give me any advice? this is my first project!

  2. #2
    rspears's Avatar
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    First, welcome to CHR and we look forward to seeing your project as it goes along! It's great to see younger guys/gals interested in fending for themselves and making things work.

    For me it would depend on how much stuff is unhooked and hanging, and how easy it is to sort out the intended function of each wire group that is loose. If you're just dealing with the original F-1 wiring, and looking at getting the ignition switch functional you should be able to sort out the wires with a Volt/Ohm meter easily - it will have a big hot wire, one that feeds the coil from "Start" and "Ignition" positions (coil positive feed will probably have an in-line resistor, or be a resistor wire to drop your running feed to ~9V); one going to the starter solenoid from "Start", and a feed to your fuse block from "On" which is your primary feed to everything else. Here's a link to a very basic wiring diagram http://www.ripper1.com/tech/wiring/wiring2.jpg I've seen better, but I can't seem to find them quickly this morning.
    If you've got a rat's nest of wiring that someone has cut & patched over the years it might be easier to strip it out and start over with a new fuse block & harness from one of the many companies that supply our hobby. I used EZ Wire, and a dash harness from Painless; others like American Autowire, Haywire, Painless, etc, etc.

    Holler back if you have specific questions, and maybe post a picture or two of what you're working on so someone can help easier.
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  3. #3
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    I would recommend that since your original wiring is 60 years old and a 6 volt positive ground system that you remove every bit of it and start fresh with either a aftermarket package that is labeled and has all components plus capacity for adding in more modern electronics(radio) or finding if you can an system from say a early mustang that has a system that matches engine(12v neg grd) and only minor accessories---
    cffisher likes this.

  4. #4
    Mike P's Avatar
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    That’s good information from Roger and I completely agree with Jerry..... the old original cloth covered wiring is a fire waiting to happen and should be completely removed.

    I’ve had 3 51-52 Ford trucks so I kind of have a soft spot for them. Keeping to the basics, converting to 12V neg ground is easy and it’s even pretty simple to get the original gauges to work.....I can walk you thru that when you get to that point.

    For now here is a simple diagram so you can get it started from the cab. It will depend on whether you are using a late model ignition switch with a start position or the original on/off switch with a starter button. Charging will depend on what alternator/regulator you’re using, and the lights will be pretty simple when you get to that point.

    Hope this helps.
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  5. #5
    rspears's Avatar
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    Yeah, I assumed that with the 289 it had already been converted to a 12V system, and I really did not consider the OEM cloth covered wires.
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  6. #6
    cffisher's Avatar
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    eddie..Welcome to CHR Great to see a teenager intrested in this hobby, sport, or madness. I have to agree with what has been saidNEW wireing is the only way to go. In the end you will learn a few things and you will have fewer problems later.
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  7. #7
    astroracer's Avatar
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    Hey Eddie, welcome to Hot Rodding! I have to agree with the other guys as far as new wiring goes. You are just looking for trouble trying to patch up that old brittle wire. I will point you at American Auto Wire. Do a google. I was building a '49 F1 last year.
    Here is my build thread : I just picked up another "project"...
    and had picked up their Highway kit. It was complete and came with all new switches and sockets and, basically, everything you need. I got it on sale for around 275 bucks. It is well worth it and you won't find a better kit for a better price. They have cheaper systems too so you can get one for much less.
    You will see pics of the kit in my thread above.
    Last edited by astroracer; 01-29-2012 at 05:12 PM.
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  8. #8
    eddiegillespie's Avatar
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    thanks guys this really helped out alot ! i just got it running with the ignition and just finished up the charging system today using the mustang regulator and original alt yous really helped alot !

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