Hello everyone im new to this site im 17 years old and i have a 1952 ford f1 pickup truck with a 1966 289 mustang engine when i first got this truck it had the engine and was wired but somone didnt finsh did a quick job or somthing happend and they had to rip it apart... so i got it running just by jumping it with a wire from the coil to the "+" side of the battery and the starter selonid just to see if it ran and it started right up. i been doing the brakes just greesing them up and putting in a few new springs and what it needs so its almost ready to be able to move it in and out of the garage but im stuck on one part and i need some help! so i want to get the system wired up so i can start it with the ignition and pretty much get some wires connected can someone please give me any advice? this is my first project!