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Thread: Small block engine identity?

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  1. #16
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Whats the main bore size??????
    There is lots of people today that would love to have a correct block casting number, date code and then restamp the id numbers on the front deck------
    cffisher and 40FordDeluxe like this.

  2. #17
    jmarks99 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerry clayton View Post
    Whats the main bore size??????
    There is lots of people today that would love to have a correct block casting number, date code and then restamp the id numbers on the front deck------
    mains are 2.45", bore is 4.026" after I bored it years ago.

  3. #18
    jmarks99 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by robot View Post
    Four listing for TDB
    Truck 71 307 200hp manual L-14 2bbl C (2wd) 10,20,30 series
    Truck 72 307 135hp manual L-14 2bbl K (4wd) 10,20 series
    Truck 80 350 170hp manual LS-9 4bbl C 10 federal emissions
    Truck 85 305 160hp manual LE-9 4bbl CK 10, 20, 30 Federal and Hi altitude emissions

    I had an 85 K10 with the LE-9 motor.....what a dog. Replaced it with a
    350 and it got better gas mileage and was much quicker
    Its not any of the above engines they're too new. Agree about the 305s for sure though especially in a truck!I imagine the California emissions compliant versions were even worse!

  4. #19
    jmarks99 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Not to rain on your parade, but I had the same thought. The big thing today is doing LS swaps, not going back to Gen 1 SBC's. Even if you could prove, drop dead certain, that your block was a '68 or '69 302 Z28 origin, I don't see anyone really being that interested in a 50+ year old bare block, no matter it's history. There's just too much stuff going on today with the newer engines.
    not raining on my parade. it wasn't my idea that it was a 302. others suggested it on this sight and others. Yes I agree many hotrod builders are using the LS engines today and they are in the limelight because its the latest and greatest. However, there are many more restorers and clone builders out there in this industry! If this was a rare engine I would rather sit on it till I could find the owner of the original vehicle. It is however, date specific as casted and can only have been installed in a 1968 or 1969 Chevrolet vehicle originally,which would not necessarily be a Camaro of any kind much less a Z/28 . Don't mind sitting on it a while longer if theres a chance it may go back under the hood it came out of! I have no use for it myself anyway except as trade/cash value to put towards locating and purchasing a set of 1971 Ford 429SCJ heads to go with the 71 429SCJ block, crank, and rods I'm also sitting on and will be using!

  5. #20
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    These are the numbers I get from Mortec

    3970010 69 302 Z-28 2 bolt mains
    3970010 69 327 2 bolt mains
    3970010 69-80 350 2 or 4 bolt mains
    I have a 3970010 block in my 76 Corvette

    Chevy Small Block V8 Casting Numbers - Mortec
    Ken Thomas
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  6. #21
    robot's Avatar
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    Let's assume that the suffix is NOT TBD....let's try BD
    There are two uses in 1968 for BD, both 307 motors, one in
    chevelle and one in nova, both 4 speed 2bbl motors

  7. #22
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robot View Post
    Let's assume that the suffix is NOT TBD....let's try BD
    There are two uses in 1968 for BD, both 307 motors, one in
    chevelle and one in nova, both 4 speed 2bbl motors

    It makes no difference what the suffix is as long as Motec has the right information. The 3970010 block casting, by their site, came in only the 3 varieties I listed.
    Ken Thomas
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  8. #23
    robot's Avatar
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    Motec site is noted for being really incomplete data....it's a good start but doesn't tell all.
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  9. #24
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robot View Post
    Motec site is noted for being really incomplete data....it's a good start but doesn't tell all.

    Then how many more instances are there of that block casting being used in another application not already listed?
    Ken Thomas
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  10. #25
    robot's Avatar
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    block casting number? 010 blocks are what you list..... block casting is the casting number while the suffix code tells what the block was machined to be and what the engine config was. I think 010 blocks were the most common casting from 69 up thru
    79 or 80....at least in my experience. Just because the block was an 010 casting doesn't make it a Z/28 block... the DZ suffix does. These are the books I use:IMG_5360.jpg
    mjgord51 likes this.

  11. #26
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robot View Post
    block casting number? 010 blocks are what you list..... block casting is the casting number while the suffix code tells what the block was machined to be and what the engine config was. I think 010 blocks were the most common casting from 69 up thru
    79 or 80....at least in my experience. Just because the block was an 010 casting doesn't make it a Z/28 block... the DZ suffix does. These are the books I use:Attachment 69457

    I'm aware of that. Do you have any information that the 010 casting was used in an application other than what I posted?
    Ken Thomas
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  12. #27
    robot's Avatar
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    OK, you're the winner. This is why the site is losing members fast.

  13. #28
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robot View Post
    OK, you're the winner. This is why the site is losing members fast.

    It's not a contest and there are no winners except for the person who receives the RIGHT information and not some convoluted BS.
    In the OP first post he states he has an 010 block. All the information I have indicates that that was a widely used block but NOT for a Z-28 irregardless of any other markings, stampings or whatever on the block. If you have in formation that contradicts that, post it.
    IMHO, we look like fools if we post erroneous information and if you can't see that then you're part of the problem and not part of the solution.
    mjgord51 likes this.
    Ken Thomas
    NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
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