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Thread: tall deck pistons

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  1. #1
    joe bogger's Avatar
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    tall deck pistons


    Pat Maccarthy If your out there (or anyone who might know) I have a question. Pat you told me to us a .400 longer rod, 4.50 stroke crank and standard 427 pistons in the tall deck we were talking about a while back. Well I have been looking for some pistons and seen some SRP's in the PAW catalog and it says " (1) indicates that these can be used in a tall deck if .400 longer rods are used" But when you look at the list it shows what piston to use with a certian stroke and rod length. The only two it says are 4.00 stroke and 4.250 stroke with rod lenghths of 6.135 and 6.355. So dose that me they wont work with a 4.50 stroke and 6.535 rod. Or are they just trying to confuse me.

    joe bogger

  2. #2
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Re: tall deck pistons


    Originally posted by joe bogger
    Pat Maccarthy If your out there (or anyone who might know) I have a question. Pat you told me to us a .400 longer rod, 4.50 stroke crank and standard 427 pistons in the tall deck we were talking about a while back. Well I have been looking for some pistons and seen some SRP's in the PAW catalog and it says " (1) indicates that these can be used in a tall deck if .400 longer rods are used" But when you look at the list it shows what piston to use with a certian stroke and rod length. The only two it says are 4.00 stroke and 4.250 stroke with rod lenghths of 6.135 and 6.355. So dose that me they wont work with a 4.50 stroke and 6.535 rod. Or are they just trying to confuse me. yes i am here and no i did not say that. tell me that you want to build and i will tell you what pistons you can use


  3. #3
    joe bogger's Avatar
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    Then what did you say. You did say to use the 4.50 stroke and .400 longer rods to make a 525 ci motor.
    joe bogger

  4. #4
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    i said this 10.200 block tall deck + 400 longer rod 6.535 rod + 1/2 the strok 2.250 of the 4.500 crank = 1.415 pistons i give you the shelf piston no. for this tell me how much cr you want

  5. #5
    76GMC1500 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    When building custom engines, you can't just buy parts because they say they fit a tall deck block or something. What you need to do is calculate the proper compression height for the piston using your deck height, rod length, and stroke. Then make a piston selection.

    Just for kicks, here are some big pistons. 17" bore by 21" stroke.

  6. #6
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    the pistons you need that will work have 1.395 pin center this is a piston for a shelf short deck 9.800 and a 4.000 454 stock stroke and a 250 long rod this is 1.395 and deck the block to O deck done this and i do build big engine so i do know it will work and yes that is a 525
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 12-20-2005 at 07:19 PM.

  7. #7
    76GMC1500 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I meant the catalog, not you.

  8. #8
    joe bogger's Avatar
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    I would like to run pump gas if possible. So maybe 10 to 1 would do, wound'nt it.
    joe bogger

  9. #9
    joe bogger's Avatar
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    I would like to run pump gas if possible. So maybe 10 to 1 would do, wound'nt it. Dose that change anything.
    joe bogger

  10. #10
    joe bogger's Avatar
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    Sorry about the double post.
    joe bogger

  11. #11
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    no just the dome of the pistons this has alot to do with the head chamber and head gasket .how thick they are. and if the pistons are in the hole or at O deck .SRP PART NO 142973 0.060 OVER FLAT TOP 9.I. 112 HEAD. SRP PART NO 212143 O.O60 OVER 10.9 WITH 112 HEAD
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 12-21-2005 at 04:35 PM.

  12. #12
    joe bogger's Avatar
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    Well I dont want a domed piston. Or is it any piston, from the rist pin to the top.
    joe bogger

  13. #13
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by joe bogger
    Well I dont want a domed piston. Or is it any piston, from the rist pin to the top.
    what are you trying to say?

  14. #14
    joe bogger's Avatar
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    You said "Just the dome of the piston" So then I thought you ment domed pistons not flat tops or dished. So I thought maybe you ment the highth from the rist pin to the top of the piston on any piston wether domed or dished. I want a lower compresion from a flat top or dished. So what was it that you asked originally.
    I guess I dont know what you me I am not trying to be smart just trying to awnser all the questions I can to get the answer.
    joe bogger

  15. #15
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    the numbers i a gave you are the ones that will work. from the top of the pistons .not the dome. it needs to be 1.395 .the dome are not part of it this. it is the center line of the pin to the the top of the nondome part of the pistons.

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