so I've been working on a new paint job for weeks now, primed a few weeks ago and sanded the primer with 180 grit and then wet sanded with 320 grit until everything was ultra smooth, thinking that would help my topcoat stay smooth.
Well I just did 2 coats of a Urethane single stage topcoat, non metallic, and the first coat went on nice and smooth, but it said to do 2-3 coats so of course I did a 2nd and wish I left it at one.
When I put the 2nd coat on all of a sudden it had a ton of texture, kind of like orange peel but a little finer almost and even worse to be honest. There are a handful of spots that are still smooth but 90% of it looks terrible.
I have no idea what I did wrong. Did I put too little paint on for the 2nd coat?
I still have plenty more paint so while it's taped up and all would people with experience recommend putting more on heavier? (I have very little experience painting)
It almost looks to me like if a thicker layer was on there it would level better, but I have no idea.
I realize over the internet this is tough to help with but if anyone knows a typical rookie mistake that I may have made anything would help at this point.
Or just any advice on whether to do a 3rd coat or just accept what I have and sand for another 3 weeks.
I don't have buffing equipment or anything so I really wanted to stay away from sanding a topcoat.
It's been so much work thus far and I'm really disappointed in how it turned out.