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Thread: Need sk and xe 429 wedge parts I dont have 1968-71

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  1. #1
    dforsyth is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Need sk and xe 429 wedge parts I dont have 1968-71


    1. 429 heads SK-52545
    2. any prototype or SK or XE parts I don't have to finish my engine.
    3. 1969-1971 oil cooler
    4. Holman Moody and Kar Kraft 429 parts
    5. ANY information to the purchase of a 1969 galaxie 429 4 speed, sedan (4 door) factory built.

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  2. #2
    HOSS429's Avatar
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    friend of mine in high school drove a 429 4 speed 4 door 69 or 70 .. all black on black .. said it was a FBI car .. this was in 1974 ...been long gone ....
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
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    Welcome to CHR! I notice that "Erie" is a small town south of Ottawa, KS on Hwy 59. You say that you're looking for heads, but you've posted a picture of one head; then you ask for "...any parts that I don't have to finish the engine"; and then for leads on a specific car that you're looking for? Maybe if you'd give a summary of what you've actually got on hand, or specifically what you're needing there might be someone that can help. Do you have a car that you're working on? Your list is a little vague at this point other than the oil cooler unless you're just wanting to amass any parts that you can find. Have you tried a basic Google Search, like for "ford fe engine parts" - https://www.google.com/search?q=ford...e+engine+parts
    Last edited by rspears; 11-12-2013 at 06:34 AM.
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  4. #4
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    I don't remember what all is back in that area of the garage but I think I have the factory oil filter/adapter and attaching bolt around here as I used it on my truck for towing---

    And welcome---------

  5. #5
    dforsyth is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Welcome to CHR! I notice that "Erie" is a small town south of Ottawa, KS on Hwy 59. You say that you're looking for heads, but you've posted a picture of one head; then you ask for "...any parts that I don't have to finish the engine"; and then for leads on a specific car that you're looking for? Maybe if you'd give a summary of what you've actually got on hand, or specifically what you're needing there might be someone that can help. Do you have a car that you're working on? Your list is a little vague at this point other than the oil cooler unless you're just wanting to amass any parts that you can find. Have you tried a basic Google Search, like for "ford fe engine parts" - https://www.google.com/search?q=ford...e+engine+parts
    I do not like speaking openly about this car as some in the past, including the person restoring the car stole several parts off of it.
    The picture is to help recognize the head but is not of any I own as mine are gone. I am also now missing the original distributor, front engine brackets, original exhaust, air cleaners and several small parts.

    The intake on my car is the dual quad 2x4 setup. Thankfully the intake and carbs were being restored by someone else and are still complete on the car.

    From what I have been told these parts were designed to replace the Boss 429 but eventually became the SCJ 429 parts in 1970 and on. Carbs were the basically the same as used on the 428 dual quad cars. Lee Holman ended up giving one his friends the owner of Blue Thunder one of the original SK dual intakes and now the reproductions have been available through them. But until I found this car no one knew of a car that had the dual four Holley intake installed on it by Ford.

    SK galaxies were built in late 1968 using the earliest 69 bodies. These are test bed cars and not exactly meant for continuous use. They were supposed to be returned to Ford after testing and destroyed however this one wasn't returned and ended up being sold to a farmer in rural Kansas. To top things off it is a 4 door sedan with a 4-speed and posi 9 3/8 rear with disc in the front and 12in drums in the rear. Engine oil cooler with the prototype oil adapter and power steering cooler. However to show they never intended for long term use the car was built with a 2 core radiator and over heated badly and was taken in for service by the owner several times. The car was parked with only 30k+ miles on the odometer. To quote the farmer "the cost to drive it was too much" and he would someday get around to working on it, in reference to fixing the cooling problem.

    This car is from one group that was made up of 10 galaxies built using this platform to test these particular parts. As there was no production 4-speed sedans built in 1969, all 10 cars were truly not DOT approved and ran on the road without the blessing of the government. All 10 sedans tested had different setups but all were the same in the fact they were 429, bench seat 4-speed, 4 door cars, with custom Kar Kraft drive shafts and transmissions. Mine has the SK long block as well as the pilot interior to include prototype inside rear window louvers, rear mounted antenna and hood tach. There were other "groups" of test vehicles that included coupes and trucks, these as well had SK and XE parts, so the parts are out there.

    And yes this is documented with Marti Autoworks and Ford now. The car had the original bill of sale, manual and warranty card in the glove box as well as hand typed buidsheets under the front and back seats. It took this documentation and an interview with Lee Holman of Holman and Moody to convince Ford I really had the car. I have been told recently at least one other SK sedan and one SK coupe were spotted in the northern states decades ago but it is unknown if they still exist.

    SK parts are not all together that valuable unless you have one of these cars. They do not perform quite as well as SCJ parts and no where near as well as Boss parts, but they are the parts that helped make the latter come to be. And most that have been found today in the midwest have been found reinstalled on industrial equipment and mud trucks as they worked well for high torque engines. The intake setup, rear window louvers and shifter on mine didn't make it to production so I don't know what value any of those would have, and thankfully I still have them.
    Last edited by dforsyth; 12-26-2013 at 09:01 PM.

  6. #6
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    The heads you want are Nascar style heads, used on the non BOSS 429 motors and chassis run in 69......Not valuable, hardly, as they are rare to come across as are the other parts you are searching for, so please do not take advantage of the user base on any of the forums you posted on this week by saying otherwise.

    Also, might I suggest you post the Marti report, and perhaps shots of the car, as that goes a long way towards your credibility as a newbie on all of the forums you have recently joined and posted to.

    I'll leave it at that

    Bill S.
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  7. #7
    dforsyth is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I am sorry if somehow I upset you but they are not production Nascar heads they are preproduction test heads. If any were used in Nascar it would be the first I have heard of it and would like to know where that info comes from as that would be document the car further. I was stating the value was not as great as the heads that were built as SCJ or BOSS. And as for taking advantage of anyone I have no idea where that is coming from.

    I will not post my marti report nor anything that gives out the VIN nor anything someone can use to track the car. It took several years for Kevin to verify the car and after he did so I was hounded to sell it by people that got the information from him. I don't care if anyone feels I have to develop my credibility. I find it funny that this has been verified by Kevin Marti and Lee Holman and you feel I need to run it by you, I don't need to prove it to ask politely for the parts I am missing.

    I am not the type to use forums to brag or boast so I decline in partaking in a flame war. I simply am asking for peoples help finding the parts and am hoping someone out there has them and wants to sell them. In reality, no one should have to have a reason to ask to buy something other than wanting it. I was kind enough to share the history of my car and in return I get slammed and challenged for being honest and open.

    If anyone has the parts and feels they need to know they will go to good use I request they reach me directly and I will happily show them the car and even refer them to my published automobile columns of years past for credibility. For the people that are trying to help and are looking thank you and Happy Holidays, I truly appreciate the help.
    Last edited by dforsyth; 12-26-2013 at 08:53 PM.

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