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Thread: Pinto front suspension's, interested?

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  1. #1
    brickman's Avatar
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    Cool Pinto front suspension's, interested?


    I have been looking intensely for a pinto or mustang II front suspension for my '48 chev sedan and I have found some. I am in the process of purchasing some pinto's from a guy here in Missouri and are complete front end cars. I will know more about the price by the end of the week but it's looking like after I pull the front ends out of the cars, we will be in the $400.00 to $500.00 dollar range. They will be here by thursday or friday and after I find out how much work it's going to be to pull them and dispose of the remains of the cars, I will be more firm on the price. Let me know, thanks guys.

  2. #2
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    hell I should of bought everything I could of about 5yrs ago, cause I could buy a complete front M2 suspension for under $100, BUT I just wanted the spindles to resell them, but I won't complain. I bought the spindles for $25 a pair & sold the for $50 a pair and had about 50 pairs of them, not too shabby for only taking about 30 minutes to remove each set.. OOOOOOOO well ya can't have everything, but ya can try .....joe
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  3. #3
    brickman's Avatar
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    I hear that...


    A couple years ago I had a guy ask me if I wanted to buy 2 mustang II's he had out back of his house. He just didn't want them and would take $100.00 for both cars. Needless to say I said to myself "What would I need 2 of those lemons for?"
    I don't know if the price is high or not, but it's low compared to the mag's thats all I know, and I'm glad to have found them.

  4. #4
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    as long as U are happy, thats all that matters, cause I know that the prices have go crazy & the M2 are just about all gone around here & IF ya find one all the good stuff is GONE already.....joe

  5. #5
    kennyd's Avatar
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    i have stock upper and lower arms for sale , 100.00 for the set includes most shipping to normal areas
    email me at kdavis@bobmaloney.com
    yes i drove ,the trailer didnot drive it's self

  6. #6
    brickman's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    I have been looking for a couple months now and am glad to find any at all. I imagine that now that I have found some, they will be coming out of the wood work for half the money. I was ready to get my suspension up and rolling if you know what I mean. It's holding up the process!!

    Kennyd, you wouldn't know where there are a couple of 5 lug rotor's with a 41/2" bolt pattern do you? I already have a nice set of wilwood calipers, I will just need the 5 bolt rotors to match my rearend. A guy has to be able to put some nice wheels on his ride!
    Last edited by brickman; 03-25-2004 at 08:10 PM.

  7. #7
    brickman's Avatar
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    I have two complete front suspensions left, I'll sell them both for $300.00 each.

    I am putting one under my '48 chev right now, I'll have photo's soon.

  8. #8
    Rodz'nrangerz's Avatar
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    got the steering box from the pinto's??
    If it ain't broke, improve it...

  9. #9
    The Al Show's Avatar
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    Good news:
    I have a Pinto front crossmember missing one rotor and caliper. I'll take $50 for it if you come and get it.
    Bad news:
    If you only want part of it I'll sell each piece for $50 plus shipping.
    " Im gone'

  10. #10
    brickman's Avatar
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    The steering is rack and pinion so no steering box.

  11. #11
    brickman's Avatar
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    No thanks Streets, and where were you when I was looking for one, I would't have had to go through all the hassle I did!!

    J/K, I'm just happy to have one for my car, I'll trade in the other two for something I'm sure.

  12. #12
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Streets
    hehehe.. I have 9 such units here and I'll take $250. each fer um.. Send me $2250.00 and I'll ship um out to ya on the next truck goin' yer way.. It's only 996.4 miles and I'll pay the shipping costs... That way YOU'LL make $450 on them when ya sell um all.. Sounds like a great deal HUH Brick??


    Being just a dumb ol country hick (Ha!) I got to ask. Would you make the same deal on just one of them. I'd love to get rid of my Leaf sprung solid axle on my F100.

    Duane S
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  13. #13
    brickman's Avatar
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    Not a problem Streets's my man, all taken in fun. The free shipping deal would have been nice though!

  14. #14
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    no problem, bud, just sounded to good to be true, which means I should have known. Anyway, Sorry it took so long to get back to you,. Today hasn't been a good day. High winds, so I can't work on the truck. Decided to go down town to have a beer or many. Now, when I come home I found out I should have found a basement to live in tonight. Tonarado warnings out until 5 AM tomorrow morning and I don't even have a basement let alone a storm cellar. (or a garage )
    Duane S
    On a quiet night you can hear a Chevy rust

  15. #15
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    Thanks Streets, I'll sure try to stay safe. Goodnight.
    Duane S
    On a quiet night you can hear a Chevy rust

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