have a 39 coupe with 2 week ago paint ,some how in the sanding or buffing burned a dime size spot thru the clear (ppg paints dbc/ ppg clear) I do not want to repaint the whole roof , now that the glass is in the car. Is there any way to touch up the spot & blend or burn new clear on the repair to make it undetectable, or do I need to reclear the whole top on the car, if I can just repair & reclear the area . what products to use & a "Step by step" how to.
I do know how to paint , but when I have to repair a bc/cc I usally reclear the whole panel(door, fender, etc.) but the way the 39 coupe is made the only break area is the beltline for the roof. the actually spot is on the side right above the 1/4 window & below the the drip rail, & 6" from the door jamb.