At the moment I am a slave to this machine,every wakeing hour I think of it a least once and most sleeping hours I dream about it...... Basicaly I'm going NUTS! but I love it. This is my third pre 49 car and don't think I will be going to anything newer again. The possibilty for personal expression in Hot rods is endless and I feel really at home in my garage working away into the early hours of the morning. I suppose this would be similar to a artist or poet who really enjoy there work and emerse themselves totally into there creation.
My ideas for this rod are to build it in a traditional style of around mid to late fifties. I have not channeled or chopped. I was actually upset that I could not use the original firewall. I had it all asembled and then realized I had the body set back to far and the wheels looked a bit wrong. Hot rods a re all about details so off the body came and in went a smooth firewall. That is just but one of the time wasters. The list goes on.....anyway this is a great web site and I visit often so should you.
