Hello all i am pretty new to hot roddin although alot of friends have had hot rods. I recently aqquired my grndfthers 64 galaxie 500 all original. It has a straight 6 with a cruise o matic trans(is this a c-4 i dont know the diff.) chk out the pics. It was just takin off the truck from illinois so it looks pretty dirty. Anyways car is in great shape all trim-moldings are perfect, windows no chips, weatherstripping is all there, all electric works. Theres only two spots of concern front right fender next to battery and gas tank everything else that has rust is top rust. I am currently gutting interior,engine and tranny for now. I am putting a 390 and possibly c-6 tranny. will eventually strip and repaint. Car will stay mostly stock just a few mods here and there. ya know suspension,engine,tranny,interior,tires,rims,rear-end.LOL stock haha. any suggestions let me know for i take criticism(<----sp) well. i would appreciat it.
if you live in Southern california near san bernardino lets chat!!!
