Howdy. Came upon this site during a search for 351 Windsor Ford info, and am pleased to come on board. Am currently working two projects (car wise, anyway), those being a '67 Chevy C10 stepside, soon to get a rebuilt shortblock, and my long neglected '68 Mustang coupe,with a factory installed leftover 289 ( everyone tells me it's not supposed to be there, that the 302 was introduced that year. Well, it was... but Ford wasn't going to just ashcan remaining 289s).
Seems to be a helpful group here,wasn't any real "trolling" going on in threads I visited.
Will of course contribute where I can. Used to be REAL big into FE Fords, still have some major stuff that I've not decided to sell yet. We'll see.
Anyhow, thanks for havin' me in.