Just funny stuff we did wayback,what did you do?;
Back in the very early 60's,@ Hot Shoppies,Miami Fl.{it was a car hop hang out,with our hotrods,a kind of meeting place on weekends for our CC,so after too many hambrugers and FF plus a shake ect.,we'd get bored and think up a contest or two,this one time it was to see who would find the biggists most stained pair of granny panities hanging on a line in a yard /steal them and bring them back for compairion ,then we ran winning pair up the flagpole{ how most of these ended with something up the pole,always woundered why we got tosted out of the place so much.? You,know one nite it was most broken up bike,another nite it was biggist landcrab,ect. We hung at other places too like The Big Wheel,Pizza Places,A&W,Pizza Padio,but only HotShoppie had a flagpole!