Don't know if it's aproppriate or if it fits the
Hot Rod Lounge
So, last week I had to have my insides looked at & photo'd.

See, I never took care of my acid reflux til a few years ago. I had no idea the damage that would ensue, simply tbought " it will go away "....
So the Doc took my galbladder some time ago. Thats how I found out my throat was being devastated by acid reflux for umpteen years. See, Doc had to do an EGD to look into my stomach. He told me my throat condition is called
" Baretts Esophogus "
I was supposed to quit smoking but didn't. It never bothered me. Fast Fwd to today...
Throat will never totaly heal due to the reflux. I take a prescript strength acid reducer & will for the rest of my life. So its been 10 days since I had a whole cig. A few times I have lit up, only to find I'm puting it out before 3rd hit off it.
I find myself craving realllly bad right now for the first time in 10 days.
I have eaten more but thru the day, not all at once.
Here is my question if anyone has quite and not looked back----
How did you entertain your brain to get your mind changed, if even only for a while?
I have not even had the urge until a minute ago & I'm doing my best to keep occupied. If it wasnt so cold & damp I would wash & wax the Camaro.
Awww geeez!,! I'm sorry--- I've used so much space & time!!
I will delete if anyone is offended by the jabber & length!!
As Always, Thank You For Your Time & Patience