I gotta vent, sorry for the hot rod diversion!
I've posted most of this stuff before:
Well my brother made it safely home from Iraq, to his gold digger wife and his wonderful daughter. Madison won't leave his side. And now we know why. After he left for Iraq, his sleaze of a spouse, dumped the 50 year old fitness trainer she was secretly having an affair with, and hooked up with a high roller buisness type she met with the girls in Vegas!
She had refused to stay at my brother's place while he was in Iraq, to take care of it, and save money on the rent of a second place she had recently moved to. But the weekend before he left, she came back from Vegas and said she had a change of heart and would do him this favor.
A bit of history to help clarify this..His house is a beautiful custom home they had bought together just less than a year ago, before all of this initialy blew up, to spend their future together in. Unfortunately, only a day after moving in ,she declared she wanted a divorce. No reason, just a divorce. A month later he finds out she's been having an affair with her Fitness trainer.

Flash foward to just before deployment to Iraq, where she has moved out to be with her fitness trainer. It turns out she met a high roller in Vegas, and wanted to impress him with her house! So now she's been jet setting first class for the last six months, staying in the nice place with high roller buisness dude, while my brother was in Iraq, leaving her daughter alone, with her brothers family. What a piece of work. I told my brother "get a great lawyer now!"

So now she wants an arbitrator to mediate for a divorce. I have re-emphasized to him, that if he was in danger in Iraq, this is a new kind of danger. She's been planning this for years with her trashy little slut friends,who always incourage her to sleep around and bar hop, and she is moving fast while his head is in a confused state.

It just makes me sick, that he isn't more self protective. He seems to think this will work out ok and fair! He wants to be cool for his daughters sake, and not go to war with his wife, which he see's as only harmfull to his daughter. I keep telling him, this divorce is at a point where civility is no longer in the equation, where one person is out to screw the other. It would be quite different, if they were mutually parting their ways, but she is on mairrage #3 and looking out only for herself, and obviously doesn't care what her actions are doing to their daughter.
Thanks for letting me vent, all I can do is listen and suggest at this point, and help pick up the pieces after it's over!