Quote Originally Posted by Whiplash23T View Post
Well welcome to the site and please take this whatever way you wish, but you have put your project out there for all to see and comment on.
What the heck are you thinking putting the front axle and wheel way out in front od the VW cab ? You are not only chopping the hell out of it, you are removing what leg room there was in it,(the cab). Wouldn't it looked better with a IFS set up with the cab set up like original over the front wheels ? You could still have the mid mounted engine etc and especially as you mention in the video that you will have the original rear tray built to look sort of standard.
I just think you have started with a cool idea but got completely lost when it came to the front and where the cab should be. I believe you are going to create a bloody ugly mismatched bodied vehicle.
Of course this is just my opinion and it is your vehicle to build the way you want. I just think there is too much ugly coming from the modern car designers now without adding to the mix by taking a cool VW truck and F..King it.
Who died and left you in charge of other people's projects? Just because it's not the way you'd do it if it were yours is no excuse for attacking the project, IMHO. For me, I'm looking forward to seeing how Ben Modified is planning to finish out the front end, as it's obvious from the cut line that there's more to come.

Ben, please ignore our "brother" from the extreme south. He sometimes gets his panties in a wad and lashes out in bad form. Hope you'll post more on both projects.