Thread: 351 Cleveland
08-02-2005 09:31 PM #1
351 Cleveland
We are rebuiling our 351 Cleveland it's a 1973 motor. It's an original 2bbl carb setup and I would like to go with the 4 bbl carb. I was told the ports on the heads are different from the 2 to the 4. Would I have to change the heads then, or is there a 4v intake made to fit the 2v heads? Also do I need to change the cam?
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08-02-2005 11:19 PM #2
Use Edelbrock #2750 Performer 351-2V. It's a 4-bbl manifold designed to match the 2V heads. Will not accept Motorcraft carb.
The 351C 4V heads are considered junk by most street engine builders because of the overly large runners and doglegs. You can't get any low-rpm torque out of them.
Join up on this forum and do a search for whatever you're looking for. You'll find more 351-specific info here than anywhere else.... EARTH, INSANE ASYLUM FOR THE UNIVERSE.
08-02-2005 11:45 PM #3
whats the difference in the ford motors? 351W and 351C?
08-03-2005 12:00 AM #4
Whole different family of motors. Do a google search.PLANET EARTH, INSANE ASYLUM FOR THE UNIVERSE.
08-03-2005 12:01 AM #5
The main difference between the W and C motor is the heads.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
08-03-2005 10:19 AM #6
Thanks for the info. I appreciate it!
08-14-2005 10:40 PM #7
I was under the impression that Cleavelands were big blocks
09-11-2005 12:50 PM #8
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