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Thread: boost gauge hook up in Ford V-8 Diesel

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  1. #1
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    boost gauge hook up in Ford V-8 Diesel


    Hi Gang,
    Our son just bought a '92 Ford PU with a turbo V-8 diesel and he wants to install a boost gauge .
    Any idea where to plumb it?
    I figure some where on the intake manifold there should be a fitting .
    or is there any lines he could Tee into?

  2. #2
    FFR428's Avatar
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    Hank if you can't find an answer here try www.ford-trucks.com
    Guys there should be able to help you out.

  3. #3
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    thanks I'll get my son to give them a try

  4. #4
    Ford428CJ is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    It goes in your hat that sits on top of the intake. Right where the turbo inters the hat. You would drill a hole (and tap) of the left lower side of that, that's if it doesn't have one already! Hope this helps....
    Wes Adams FORD428CJ
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  5. #5
    nitrowarrior's Avatar
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    After two months, I hope he has figured it out.
    What if the "Hokey Pokey" is what it's really all about?

  6. #6
    TOW'D is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1948 Thames E83W- and many others

    the day after we posted the question our son rolled the truck
    (btw it is a '02 not a '92)
    big snow storm and plenty of ice on the road + too fast for the conditions
    big fat tires plowing ---tight corner--- spun it around and went into the ditch backwards and flopped on its roof--a farmer came by with a dump truck and helped flip it back on its wheels
    it will buff out-ha

    from a clean truck into a beater work truck in one hard learned lesson
    he is OK but with a bruised EGO


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