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Thread: Need some timing advice

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  1. #46
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I don't know about the rest of the guys, but I use a vacumn guage and adjust for a steady reading at the highest vacumn.
    Ken Thomas
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  2. #47
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    dont know about the rest, but my bill is in the mail. boat labor ant cheap. just joking!!! glade the starter fixed it, but you need to replace the gaskets before you run it anymore.
    check my home page out!!!

  3. #48
    CaneBreak's Avatar
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    Originally posted by lt1s10
    dont know about the rest, but my bill is in the mail. boat labor ant cheap. just joking!!! glade the starter fixed it, but you need to replace the gaskets before you run it anymore.
    LOL, i know i wouldnt beable to have done this without you guys.. thanks again..

    ok i have antoher question for ya. I am having a hard time breaking that intake manifold free. I have taken out all of the nuts and bolts that hold it on the block, but it wont budge. I dont want to force anything between the block and the intake .. do you all have any suggestions of what i can do to get it off of there..

    i have tried tugging and pulling and she is not coming off..

    what do ya think

  4. #49
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I don't know if this will help, but I recently tore the 318 down in my Duster for a cam change. The manilod wouldn't budge until I pulled the plugs, then it popped right off.
    Ken Thomas
    NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
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  5. #50
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by NTFDAY
    I don't know if this will help, but I recently tore the 318 down in my Duster for a cam change. The manilod wouldn't budge until I pulled the plugs, then it popped right off.

    now thats a new one NTFDAY.
    check my home page out!!!

  6. #51
    CaneBreak's Avatar
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    Originally posted by DennyW
    Are you sure you have only 12 bolts ? and have you double checked to make sure you have no brackets, or additional bolts still installed ?
    Take a slim blade putty knife, and a small hammer, and work your way around the intake tapping the putty knife in a little at a time, and moving around the intake to break it loose.
    Is there supposed to be 12. I will go look and see how many i took off. I know this it is on there good, i will double check to make sure i got them all.

  7. #52
    CaneBreak's Avatar
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    ok i got the intake off.. damn guy must have used some good ass rtv gasket on it.. it was the yellow kind..

    ok now where do i need to put RTV gasket sealer ( i have the black) .. do i need to put it on both sides of the new gasket or just one side... and how much of it.. i was going to put a thin coating..

    also you mentioned something about a tightening order.. What is the order.

  8. #53
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    "yellow kind.. "

    It's called Gorilla Snot.

  9. #54
    CaneBreak's Avatar
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    Originally posted by techinspector1
    "yellow kind.. "

    It's called Gorilla Snot.
    i have the black rtv.. will that work as well...also please see above post

    *** well i jsut opened the new intake gastket box and it is different than what the guy i had build it put in there. The difference is the new gasket has a metal pan that joins the 2 gaskets together.. the ones i jsut took out are seperate ( meaning there is no metal pan that connect the 2.. is it ok to install the one i just bought ( the ones that have the metal pan that connects the 2..

    here is a picture http://www.clubhotrod.com/photopost/...php?photo=6725

    one on left: is one i removed

    middle is new on with pan ( seems to be all metal even that gaskets)

    far right is new one with out pan ( metal and rubber on outside)

    what one would you use and should i use rtv black around the the whole seal.. or what would you use to help creat a better seal

    i dont think it ever ends..
    Last edited by CaneBreak; 07-28-2005 at 05:22 PM.

  10. #55
    CaneBreak's Avatar
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    Originally posted by DennyW
    What kind of cover do you run over the motor, and what is the lowest temp you run the boat ?
    denny, engine has no cover over it it is in the open and i run it about 150 degrees F

    should i use that Rtv gasket or leave that stuff off of it


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