Thread: Timing advance barely moving
04-22-2008 06:35 PM #1
Timing advance barely moving
I finally got the car on the road tonight for a test drive, The engine really has no power, and the advance on the crank pulley only moves about 5 degree's.
The engine will idle, and will start up easy. I am running KRE Aluminum heads, and a Crower 60919 Hyd. cam. The motor was completey taken apart to resleave a cylinder, and I had the machine shop, reinstall the cam and crank. The cam was set to a 108 degree centerline, per Jeff Kaufmann, Crower say's 109, but I listened to the Pontiac engine guru. I had some trouble getting the lash correct, but the rattling from the rockers has pretty muched stopped....1/3 lash at this point. With more lash it rattled alot more and at 3/4 lash the engine rocked harshly in the engine bay. So I backed it off.
Any idea's?
Cam installed wrong?
Timing gears off......Timing set at 15 degree initial, 15 degree bushing, where it was last year and really liked it with the big heads.
MSD digital, blaster coil, Msd dizzy, with the vac. advance plugged off.
Any suggestions as to narrow down what is wrong? I have a good balancer with all the timing marks and it only went on one way. Lash way off? I triple checked it also....I am just learning as I go.
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04-22-2008 06:48 PM #2
what is the motor are we talking about, and what procedure did you use to set your lash at? When you turn the distributor rotor by hand (with the cap and rotor off) do the weights open, advance properly, might be stuck!Last edited by mooneye777; 04-22-2008 at 06:58 PM.
Live everyday like it were your last, someday it will be.
04-22-2008 06:52 PM #3
HEI distributor?What if the "Hokey Pokey" is what it's really all about?
04-22-2008 06:57 PM #4
67 GTO. Pontiac 400, .030 over stroked to a 461.
I hand turned the engine until the exhaust valve started to open, then set the intake lash, I started with 1/2 turn lash. Then turned the crank until intake valve started to open, then set the exhaust lash. I did one cylinder at a time, or in a sense one valve at a time. The valve covers were rattling something bad, so then I tried them at 3/4 lash. The engine shook in the bay a bit, so I dropped it down till about a 1/3 lash. Smoother running but a bit of a choppy idle.
I'm thinking maybe something is off with the mechanical timing....
What happens if the cam is in fact degree correctly, but the timing gear on the cam is off a small bit, say one or two teeth?I am just learning as I go.
04-22-2008 06:59 PM #5
No, MSD ready to run dizzy.I am just learning as I go.
04-22-2008 07:08 PM #6
look at the springs in the dist you should be a light sliver and ligth blue or light sliver grab the rotor and see if you can move it be hand with cap off if it will not then the curve is stickyIrish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
04-22-2008 07:21 PM #7
Run with what Pat said. The timing advance is all in the distributor. The lack of advance needs to have attention within the distributor.What if the "Hokey Pokey" is what it's really all about?
04-22-2008 07:34 PM #8
Originally Posted by nitrowarrior
what to do
Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
04-22-2008 08:29 PM #9
I had a 70 GTO that i built a 455 for and if i remember to adjust the valves you just tightened them to 20 ft. pounds.
04-22-2008 08:32 PM #10
well i hope he is not running the stock studs .i doing one now and going bbc studs so i can set the preload rightIrish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip
04-22-2008 08:59 PM #11
I hand turned the engine until the exhaust valve started to open, then set the intake lash, then turned the crank until intake valve started to open, then set the exhaust lash.
You should set the intake with the exhaust about 1/3 open, then set the exhaust when the intake is about 2/3 CLOSED.
Shouldn't have anything to do with the timing advance you're seeing, though.Jack
Gone to Texas
04-23-2008 07:00 PM #12
O.K. Really stumped now.
I pulled the dizzy out and I triple checked it. The internals are working fine. Installed correctly.
The motor will only adavance 5 degree, no matter where I set it, 15, 20, 25.
I agree the the lash may be out a bit, but what would hinder the advance?
15 degree bushing. 1 light and 1 medium spring. MSD ready to run, with the vacume port plugged off, as I ran it last year.
Any suggestions?
In theory, if the cam was advanced correctly, but the timing gear on the cam was not installed with the dot's lining up, would this have an effect like this?
The cam was installed on a 108 deg. centerline. The motor seams dead, and is running very rich.
Thanks in advance.I am just learning as I go.
04-23-2008 07:16 PM #13
Which way are the weights pointing in comparison to the rotation of the distributor? Cams don't limit or change timing unless you have a ton of slop in the chain.Last edited by nitrowarrior; 04-23-2008 at 07:20 PM.
What if the "Hokey Pokey" is what it's really all about?
04-23-2008 07:25 PM #14
Valve lash or the cam timing won't stop the distributor from advancing, the only thing that makes the distributor advance is rpm or vac.
04-24-2008 09:17 AM #15
is distributor specific for pontiac? they spin opposite of chevy so if you have a chevy dist with a pontiac gear it will never advance
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