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Thread: multiplecarb set-ups

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  1. #1
    joehalford01's Avatar
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    multiplecarb set-ups


    This thread isn't to discuss whether a single four barrel is better then multiple carbs of any kind or how hard the set-up is to tune. I'm thinking about going this route in the future to get the look I want on my truck. Probably three two barrels but I want to check out the six singles too. I noticed that a six two barrel manifold is also available but i think that would be way too much. If you've noticed on my previous posts I run a tight budget so buying a full set ready to go is a little out of the question.

    I'm thinking though I could defintely keep the price down if I obtain my pieces seperatly at swap meets or online over the next year, manifolds by themselves tend to go for 75-150 and carbs individually 10-50. However, this will absolutley not work without the right info. I need a good reference for carb casting numbers, rebuilding, parts availabilty, and converting to a multiple carb set-up. Do you guys know of any good sources for this info or a book I can get ahold of with this info. I can probably figure out some of it on my own but I definitly need a good source for casting numbers and specs so I can purchase the right carbs depending on what I want to do. Thanks as always!
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  2. #2
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    What engine are you wanting to put these on??? Makes a difference on which carbs to use....
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  3. #3
    Mike P's Avatar
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    Get freindly with your local parts store ) like Car Quest NAPA etc and have them order you a carb parts/kit catalog like the one they have stashed behind the counter.

    Then don't get your hopes up. If you run small base Rochester carbs most HAD a metal tag attached to one of the top screws that are now long gone.

    If you end up running Rochesters you might be interested in this thread I did a while back.

    Last edited by Mike P; 04-10-2007 at 04:57 AM.

  4. #4
    joehalford01's Avatar
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    Awesome thread Mike, that is exactly the info I was looking for. The carb parts catalog is a good idea too, my pops works at Napa so that should be easy. Kind of a duh but oh well.

    As far as what engine I'll probably do this on my 327 small block chevy first, later on I thought it might be cool to design my own sheet metal intake for the cad 472 motor and run eight single barrels, i don't know how it would perform but mostly an experiment in something off the wall. Carbs are still a mystery to me and I'd like to become fairly knowledgable on them. As you said in your other thread they are becoming more and more popular so I think the knowledge itself could pay later somehow.

    Any suggestions for good reads on carbs in general? I was looking through the chiltons carb rebuild book at pep boys and it looked pretty good but my experience with those is that it looks comprehensive in the store but when you go to use it the info you need is never there. Thanks guys.
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  5. #5
    Irelands child's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joehalford01
    Awesome thread Mike, that is exactly the info I was
    Any suggestions for good reads on carbs in general? I was looking through the chiltons carb rebuild book at pep boys and it looked pretty good but my experience with those is that it looks comprehensive in the store but when you go to use it the info you need is never there. Thanks guys.
    The Chilton's books leaves performance information out - try a swap meet where there are some publication vendors. I have one book that doesn't have a copywrite date but it has to be '60's by Hot Rod Magazine titled "Hot Rod Carburetion and Fuel Systems that is pretty interesting in 'old school' multi 2 barrels (forget about single barrels) and shows 4 an 6 carbs on Edelbrock or Weiand log manifolds.

    If you want carbs, this is a photo of a 270 GMC pictured here and taken a couple of weeks ago at the Petersen Museum in LA. These are all Stromberg 97's. There are a few other similar examples there as well.
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    Last edited by Irelands child; 04-10-2007 at 12:00 PM.

  6. #6
    Irelands child's Avatar
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    The site server got interrupted before the picture uploaded.

    Oh s@#$ it got loaded anyway - GIGO with computers - sorry
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    Last edited by Irelands child; 04-10-2007 at 12:04 PM.

  7. #7
    joehalford01's Avatar
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    I always comb swap meets for old books, theres a mixture of good info and stuff that makes me laugh. Recently I aquired some 60's hot rod books on exhaust and suspension. The suspension book has a passage that describes four wheel drive and ends by saying that it is so complicated it will probably never go into mass production on passanger cars. The exhaust book suggests wrapping the starter and plug wires and just about anything that could be damaged by the heat with asbestos. But for the most part a large portion of the info is good, plus they are usually dirt cheap.

    That pic is way cool, makes me wish I had an old inline eight cylinder to work on. Oh well, I can wait a bit.
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  8. #8
    Twitch's Avatar
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    Look at it this way- the more carbs you mount the more tuning and adjusting you'll need to do to get them in sync.
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  9. #9
    mopar34's Avatar
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    Sorry, might agree with your statement about Wings, but not about Skirts on cars. Skirts and lakes are ideal on 50's and some early 60's. Ugly on most from 47 on back.

    As to the carbs.... the more the merrier. I have three, would love six, but know my limit.

  10. #10
    joehalford01's Avatar
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    the sig is mostly aimed at ricers, i've got another good one that i shouldn't share here but i can't use it since most of my cars are foreign anyways.
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  11. #11
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    IMHO 3/2's or any combination of more 2's are a pain to tune and as far as I'm concerned aren't worth the effort. I'd rather run 2/4's. I've done both and 2/4's are a lot easier.
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  12. #12
    Irelands child's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY
    IMHO 3/2's or any combination of more 2's are a pain to tune and as far as I'm concerned aren't worth the effort. I'd rather run 2/4's. I've done both and 2/4's are a lot easier.
    But the more carbs there are the more impressive it is to look at. A single 4 bbl is all any engine needs - but who is worrying about need when you want CARBS firewall to radiator (and yes, from experience multiple carbs are a PITA to tune and keep that way)

    Why not 4 Webers such as the Ingeles set ups

  13. #13
    thesals's Avatar
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    my motorcycle runs 4 carbs from the factory.... and when its tuned properly it runs excellent, but when it comes to balancing them in the first place..... it is a major PITA, besides the fact that on a bike the carbs are much more difficult to access anyways
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  14. #14
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have a V-10 Ford engine. Should I ever get around to using it it will have a hand built intake and 5 down draft Webers!!!! All for looks of course, it's a cinch the EFI would work better....
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