"old age and treachery will................................" you know the old saying. Good on the ol' man.

There's no reason the NHRA guys won't be going down a similar path the NASCAR guys have...........multiple sponsors to get through a season, the days of a single sponsors colors being on a car for the whole season are probably numbered. The cost for the sponsor has just gotten too high to justify based on the likely measurable return.

From an old marketing guys point of view it seems sponsors are getting smarter about how/where they allocate ad dollars. It used to be the standard was "how many eyes" which translated into whatever form of "get your name out in front of as many people as you can". Targeting was a matter of, for example, if you sell cars, advertise where car people go. In the digital world it's getting more sophisticated. They can get more and better feedback on both the number of people, and the all important demographics along with motivations. It's given the notion of targeted marketing a much sharper point. The old ways were much more of a crapshoot, but that's the best they knew how to do. Times are a changin'.