Originally posted by DSSA
Well then if I call you an idiot, you can be sure that it's a good indication that I'm not in need or want of your respect.

So you want people on this forum to see your point of view while at the same time putting down anyone who disagrees with your point of view? Not to mention your words are being read by everyone on this thread and I am probably safe in assuming most if not all are forming the same negative image of you. Don't you think you would be better served by putting some intelligent arguments together to make your case? All you are accomplishing is alienating everyone and reinforcing the so called stereotype you are so eager to overcome.
However, I didn't call "the board" idiots, just one particular narrow-minded, blow-hard. However, twist it around however you'd like to.

I think you may be putting words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about "the board" I didn't know there was a board. My reply to your "complete idiot" comment was a general statement. Meaning "in general" if you call anyone an "Idiot" don't expect to get any respect in return.

I find it quite amusing that a bunch of the lemmings jumped on board with the idea that I started flaming someone for not liking imports. I think you need to actually *READ* the posts beforehand before yapping in on it. As I in no way said "Imports Rule! Domestics Suck!" however, that's the jist that some people obviously cling to--unfortunately, there's no basis.

Hey, thanks for your comment about me being a rodent for jumping on board ( I assume you mean me since you are quoting MY post).
I think you need to actually *READ* my post. My comments have nothing to do with cars............. they have everything to do with having common respect for other people.

If you read the posts (and comprehend them--might be stretching it here a little bit), I clearly stated that all import enthusiasts (and some people have stated "all import owners this, all import owners that") aren't half-wits that think their 13 (at best) second Hondas are faster than everything else on the road and think that all domestics are inferior.
This is quite clear in the initial posts had you taken the time to read them through. However, I understand.

No, I really don't think you do. Not to be disrespectful but I really DON'T think you do understand. I did take the time to read EVERY post. And it is abundantly clear you have had a negative attitude from YOUR first post and it's gotten increasingly negative as you have tried to make your case.
I don't think YOU are reading all the posts in this thread. Did you read my analogy about jumping in a shark tank with a bloody steak in your pocket.
Lets break it down in real simple terms:
Your import argument is the "steak"............. There's nothing wrong with steak. I happen to like steak. But as good as steak is there are some places it doesn't belong, like in your pocket when your in a shark tank. What that means is a HOT ROD FORUM may not be the best place to make your import case.
This forum is the shark tank........... There's nothing wrong with sharks in a tank either. Just don't jump in there with a bloody steak in your pocket. What that means is don't expect to make any converts here. If we wanted to talk imports we would go to an IMPORT FORUM. I don't have ANYTHING against you. I just don't care much for your attitude .
I only explain this simple analogy in this great a deal, because I think if you really did read it and if you really did understand it, you would see just how futile your argument is. But I think maybe the simplicity of the analogy has been lost on you.
Once again... Let me make this VERY VERY clear........ my commentary is NOT about the merits of your import argument. It IS about the methods of delivering your argument.

Yog see someone with open mind defend someone (while not in the least putting down the other side of the coin), so Yog jump on bandwagon.

Who is Yog??????????
Yes, showing a truly great mentality around here. I guess those of us with open minds to *any* quick car (be it domestic or import) that someone's put time and effort must *obviously* be anti-domestic.

I think some of you feel threatened. Otherwise, explain the uproar that seems to have occured when someone states that they think that all cars are able to be appreciated.

As to the age comment, if you'll *ALSO* notice (Mr. Sleuth), I didn't post *any* of that information, as it A) wasn't required, and B) doesn't really make a difference. If my resume is required, I'd be happy to go over it with you. Otherwise, I'm 30, and have been wrenching on things since I got my first dirtbike @ age 12, then quads when I raced them, then my first car @ 14 (No, wasn't handed a running car--was handed a non-running car, and told to have it running by the time I was 16 or I kept walking). Sure, not the oldest or gearhead in here, but I build all my own race motors (machining not included, but I provide the specs,) port my own heads, build up my own transmissions (and for others around the nation), design my own turbo systems, and tune my own stand-alone EFI systems. So you could say that even though I'm no automotive god, I'm pretty comfortable around the engine bay of a car.

Although, it does quite amuse me (and I'm giving you ammo here) that even though I can program my own timing and fuel maps, give me a carb and a vacuum advance ignition system, and I'm scratching my head for the most part...thus why I started browsing this board.
A little

At this point, I'll bid you all a goodnight, it's 2:37 and I just got in from working putting a cage into the newest project--but you know, those 10 point cages are just for looks in imports.

I am sure you will want to come back with some self redeeming self promoting reply as to why you believe putting ANYONE down personally will bolster your argument for imports. Just don't be so surprised when those you have alienated with your attitude don't care about you opinion. You know for someone with such a self proclaimed high I.Q., you could use some work on your diplomacy skills. Even a lemming like me knows to get respect you first have to earn the respect of others.

The good book says "Love your neighbor as yourself" I hope you have more respect for yourself than you have displayed here for us.
Yours truly
Mr. Sleuth