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Thread: Project American Graffiti Coupe

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  1. #76
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newbomb Turk View Post
    Thanks for the information on the axle. That clarifies alot. If I can't find an original for reasonable dough, it would make sense to run a Magnum. What about the tabs that get welded on for the shocks? Obviously, Those would have to be installed before chrome plating takes place.
    Hey Newbomb Turk,
    Glad I could help you out on this matter! As for the tabs/L Brackets that are located on the front side of the axle, I use a neat little bracket that Ed over at New Age Motorsports designed. This little bracket just bolts to the bottom of the axle using the spring perch bolt and nut. The look is just like Milner's axle without having to weld the piece to the axle. PLEASE TAKE NOTE, if you are going to use a Magnum axle you MUST use this type of bracket as you are not supposed to weld on the ductile steel as the weld will not really hold to the abuse. However if you are going to spend the BIG $$$$$ for an original 32 heavy axle then you can weld on it if want to, as this axle is made of forged steel but I would just stick with this KOOL little bracket if I was you. You can contact Ed at info@newage-motorsports.com for this bracket. As you follow this build you will find out that I use New Age Motorsports a lot to help me get the things I need for this build. I use Ed to do this as he is one of the only guys out there that was willing to help me build what I wanted, everyone else just wanted to sell me parts off the self which in my case would not work!! I hope I answered your question with out get to long winded ??? Below are a couple of photos showing this bracket.

    Shock Brackets sv.jpg

    Front End sv.jpg

  2. #77
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    You REALLY are going to a lot of trouble to make this thing as close to the original as possible. Nice job! Funny how a little thing like the original loom turns us on, huh?

    You and Von Franco have a lot in common. You are going to have to hit one of the shows where Paul is making an appearance some day and show him the car. I bet he would love it.


  3. #78
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    You REALLY are going to a lot of trouble to make this thing as close to the original as possible. Nice job! Funny how a little thing like the original loom turns us on, huh?

    You and Von Franco have a lot in common. You are going to have to hit one of the shows where Paul is making an appearance some day and show him the car. I bet he would love it.


    Hey Don,

    Glad you are enjoying this post as I am having fun doing it!!! Yeah, I'm doing everything possible to make this coupe just like the original coupe (besides having a fiberglass body but who can really tell???). My plan/goal is to have Paul drive this coupe so I can actually say Milner drove this coupe!! I always say "if your going to do something you might as well do it right" and even though the original coupe is not done real proper (infact it is a little POS) it is the car I fell in love with when I was seven yrs old and by God thats the car I am going to build (even though it's not an original idea and some may not like this coupe it is the car I have ALWAYS WANTED, besides it's going to be mine and not theirs!!!) PLEASE NOTE, my coupe is being built the way the coupe was in the movie and NOT the way the coupe sits today!!! Yes, there is a BIG difference between the two but thats a whole nother story.

  4. #79
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    You're right, the Graffiti coupe and Grabowskis T have some elements that are a little "wrong", like the short Deuce shell on the coupe and the frame side rails on the T. But we rodders overlook those little errors because the overall car itself is so cool and the memories we have of them are so much a part of our youth. Some cars are just so wrong they are right...........if you understand what I mean.


  5. #80
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    You're right, the Graffiti coupe and Grabowskis T have some elements that are a little "wrong", like the short Deuce shell on the coupe and the frame side rails on the T. But we rodders overlook those little errors because the overall car itself is so cool and the memories we have of them are so much a part of our youth. Some cars are just so wrong they are right...........if you understand what I mean.


    Yeah Don, I completely understand

  6. #81
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    Most of us are hot rodding some sort of stocker. In a twisted sense, but very cool mind you, your stocking a Milner hotrod!
    Seriously the details you've found out, the history of the original car, and the time you've dedicated to this project is very cool! I enjoy seeing your posts, and know there are more than a few here that wish we were building one too!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    You're right, the Graffiti coupe and Grabowskis T have some elements that are a little "wrong", like the short Deuce shell on the coupe and the frame side rails on the T. But we rodders overlook those little errors because the overall car itself is so cool and the memories we have of them are so much a part of our youth. Some cars are just so wrong they are right...........if you understand what I mean.

    Speaking of Grabowski's T, this is a clone that Norm had at the Street Rod Nats in May
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  8. #83
    Newbomb Turk is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I know the wheels on the car are 14" Reversed.... Would you know the backspacing on them?

  9. #84
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newbomb Turk View Post
    I know the wheels on the car are 14" Reversed.... Would you know the backspacing on them?
    Hey Newbomb Turk,

    You are correct, the wheels are 14's but here is a little bit more info for you. The wheels are 14x6 (on all four corners of the coupe) with a 5 on 4 3/4 bolt pattern. The back space is 2 1/2 inches but you can get away with using a 3 inch back spacing. The wheels are chevy OEM wheels that have just been reversed. As for the coupe using chevy bolt patterns on all four corners of the car, the front two wheels use a wheel adaptor to bolt to the 1940 Ford drums .




  10. #85
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    Black Firewall & Green 1/4 Windows


    Hey Guys,

    Sorry for taking so long to get these photos updated but life does not always go as planned especially when building a hot rod . This summer here in Kansas has been a REAL CRAZY one It seems that all the weather wants to do is rain (very bizarre for July) or worse yet thunder storms! This makes it very hard for me to get any work on the hot rod as most of my work has to be done outside due to a lack of room in my garage . Well anyway here are a few pictures of the coupe now with both 1/4 windows installed. I hope you guys can see the green tint as it took me forever to find this stuff and yes, Milner's 1/4 windows are green. I also painted (rattle canned) the firewall black (semi gloss). I really didn't send much time on this as most of the firewall will not be seen due to firewall insert, Cal Custom goodies and engine but I still wanted it to kinda look as though it had been around for a few years. Next week I am hoping to get the frame work finished and the body sitting on the chassis. I should have pictures of this as I am moving the frame and body to my buddies shop (has plasma cutter) if the weather holds out. Hope you all enjoy the photos!!

    coupe 7-17-09 001.JPG

    coupe 7-17-09 002.JPG

    coupe 7-17-09 003.JPG

    coupe 7-17-09 004.JPG

    coupe 7-17-09 005.JPG

  11. #86
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Looks Great - and I definitely see the green tint!
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  12. #87
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    i have always wanted one myself

  13. #88
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Hey Guys,

    I thought I might better clear some things up here real quick before I start getting a lot of emails. The BLACK PODS you see around the 1/4 windows and rear window are made of fiberglass. The stock window garnish moldings srew into it using the stock screw kit from Mac's Auto Parts. These PODS were on the old NAM bodies (which I have) and are NO LONGER being used on their NEW BODIES!!! NAM is now using the STOCK WOOD around ALL the WINDOWS. This makes for a better fit with garnish moldings PLUS it just looks a lot better!!! Ed always hated this design around the windows so he finally decided to change it. While Ed was at it he changed the bottom of the front floor too! Now the coupe has a stock wood look to it (notice the rear floor X-Bracing as it is just like stock)! Once again mine does not have these VERY KOOL options (except the X-Bracing in the rear floor). Anyway I just figured I better clear this up as not to cause any confusion. (SEE NEW NAM BODY PHOTOS BELOW TO SEE WHAT I AM RAMBLING ABOUT)





    NAM FLOOR.jpg

  14. #89
    Weasel Diesel is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hi Project & all !! I'm a former drag racer, who is now worn out. Getting some years on me, and now just wanting a rod - cruising machine. I am virgin to the classic rod scene, so this will be a first, and probably last. I have made the decision to do a Duece, and have found this thread to be a GREAT help. Now seeing ya'll got a heck of a lead on me, I was wondering, should I build my own frame, or would I be better off buying one?? Again thanks for all input.


  15. #90
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    Great build, cant wait to see more!

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