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Thread: Header Shopping-Need Advice

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  1. #1
    lerch's Avatar
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    Question Header Shopping-Need Advice


    Heres what i have:
    57 Chevy 210 Wagon with a 350 with Vortec Heads (StraightPlug)
    Lowered (Dropped ) front end...as Low as it will go!

    What i am trying to accomplish:
    i need headers that will allow enough ground clearance so she ain't botteming out.I don't know the brand i have on it right now,but they are the Long Style and they are too low to the ground.They seem to have a couple different styles out there,one that comes straight down,and the other that angles down.i don't know what the angles are or what.but i need ones specifically to clear the 55-57 Chevy Steering arm that seems to swing into the header when turning.
    Also,i am trying to find headers to allow you to change the damm spark plugs!Do they exist?
    Anyone who has experienced in buying these suckers let me know


  2. #2
    76GMC1500 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hooker sells engine swap headers that may fit your application. Otherwise, block huggers would be the way to go for ground clearance issues.

  3. #3
    thumbone is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have a set of short style block huggers on my 30 tudor and the exhaust pipes are no lower than the oil pan. If my memory is correct they are Hooker. I think any short block huggers will give you the needed clearance.

  4. #4
    astroracer's Avatar
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    Edelbrocks Mid-length header is a good compromise.
    I have a set on my '95 pickup and they fit great. I really don't think you would have a fitment problem with any of the small block truck applications. You may want to compare a set to your current long tubes but these are short enough that they don't get into the floor pan.
    I will recommend JetHot coating them also. Best money you can spend for performance and longevity.
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  5. #5
    lerch's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tips guys but do these allow you to change your spark plugs?Those Edelbrocks look nice but i see no listing for 57 chevy with a 350.The Hookers are good also but i am wondering about the listings they show are not specific to a 57 chevy also.The problem is where the steering box and the pitman arm are that concerns me.does any have thos ones that angle down at a angle?...Thanks Lerch

  6. #6
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    These might work, they were on a 400sbc in a'62 pickup. I believe they are Hedmans for '63/'65 Chev 2wd pickup.
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  7. #7
    Charlyg is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Trey Sanderson - they are moree expensive than most but are THE BEST! and they probably have your application - good luck

  8. #8
    Charlyg is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Sorry about the spelling - try to type tooooo fast!

  9. #9
    Rrumbler is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    This has always been a problem with tri-five Chevys. The only solution used to be using Corvette "rams horn" manifolds and single pipes. You lost the effect of a full length tuned header, but gained the clearance because you could tuck the single pipe up against the crossmember; with the headers, four pipes and a three inch collector just don't fit under there. In todays world, the block hugger "shorties" will get you the same effect - single head pipe to the muff, and you can tuck it up against the crossmsmber and get the clearance you need. The only other choice is a lot of chassis modification.

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