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Thread: rear window package tray

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  1. #1
    dwaynerz's Avatar
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    rear window package tray


    what type of material are people using as rear window package tray board (?) luan? plastic? msd? mine iswall paneling that probably worked for the previous owner, but the material hasnt held up well, and im wanting to redo interior of car. thought i would start with something reletively easy (in my way of thinking anyway). with the material basically rotting from the sunlight, i want something more durable than whats on there now. would also like a less "hoosierish" substrate. any and all thoughts/ideas/suggestions welcome and appreciated. will move onto door panels next if this works out ok. not sure i want to tackle seats just yet.

  2. #2
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Popular backing material now a days is either ABS sheet plastic or aluminum sheet, both are durable, formable, and resistant to the elements that have put the hurt on your paneling.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  3. #3
    rumrumm's Avatar
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    The plastic bathtub surround you find at places like Home Depot will work. It usually comes in white and is smooth on one side and textured on the other.

    '32 3W

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  4. #4
    dwaynerz's Avatar
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    any thickness recommended on the aluminum sheet? and does it take glue and uphostery well? what do you advise for trimming aluminum to fit? may go with the abs plastic. just redid my bathrooom and those individual wall panels are a bit pricey. well, the ones with the soap holder and corner pieces molded in were. thanks for the advice.

  5. #5
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    For aluminum you could go with .090 or .120 (nominal 1/8 inch). ABS comes in 1/8" I believe. Make a paper pattern, transfer it to the material. You can trim the aluminum with snips, a power shear, a nibbler, whatever you've got that'll cut it clean. A good quality adhesive (like 3M), follow directions and upholstery material should stick just fine.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  6. #6
    JeffB2's Avatar
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    USA Parts Supply has the original style for 1952-54 Fords for $19.95,kickboard panels are $14,trunk panels are about $27 1-800-872-2013 www.usapartssupply.com if you have a 50's Ford you should have their catalog.

  7. #7
    RECOVERY ROOM's Avatar
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    .050 aluminum is more than enuf.We make most of our interiors out of it.You can bend to fit it so well that it will lay right on the tray area. Scuff up with sandpaper and glue sticks great. Make a pattern then transfer to your aluminum
    Tracy Weaver

  8. #8
    dwaynerz's Avatar
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    will use the tray thats in the car now. thankfully i have one, as that will save a bunch of time cutting, taping and fitting.
    @ jeff, i have not heard of the company you sent the link to, but am checking it out and saving it to favorites.
    thanks all

  9. #9
    Proeagles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RECOVERY ROOM View Post
    .050 aluminum is more than enuf.We make most of our interiors out of it.You can bend to fit it so well that it will lay right on the tray area. Scuff up with sandpaper and glue sticks great. Make a pattern then transfer to your aluminum
    How do you keep aluminum from making that awful vibration rattling noise without using some kind of caulk as insulation? I'm thinking panels that would pop in like door panels.

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