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Thread: Can a/c core be used for tranny cooler???

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  1. #1
    njad61 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Question Can a/c core be used for tranny cooler???


    I am about to shove a v8 in my S10 and to help keep it cool, I was going to reroute the transmission fluid from the radiator to an external cooler. I have the a/c core leftover from the 2.8 v6 that was originally in the truck, and I was wondering if it would work as a makeshift tranny cooler. It operates on the same principles as any other radiator-type cooler, and since it is about double the size of most tranny coolers, I figure it should actually do a better job of it. There's even a nice hidden place behind the radiator where the core was originally bolted. The thing that worries me is that I've NEVER heard of someone doing this before. So is it feasible or just wishful thinking? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    drg84's Avatar
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    Allright, theres a reason that this hasnt been done before. AC cores are meant for refrigarant, not oils. as many cores for AC are small port, it would not flow well and may actually cause heat to build up rather than cool. you would be a lot better of just buying one from a parts store, or get one from a vehicle with a towing package.
    Right engine, Wrong Wheels

  3. #3
    njad61 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    After looking at a few pics of tranny coolers, I noticed the lines do look a lot bigger. I don't know how crucial it would be to even add a cooler. I might just go right through my aluminum radiator. I mean, after all, that's what it's made for, right?

  4. #4
    drg84's Avatar
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    Right. GM radiators for V8s are built for up to a t-400 commonly. Very few GM trannoes overheat. Like i said though, many vehicles with towing packages have external coolers if you decide to get one later. I reccomend the ones for caprices/sedan devilles.
    Right engine, Wrong Wheels

  5. #5
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I agree with drg84, but not necessarily for the same reason. The a/c condensor was part of a sealed pressurized system which when operating properly flowed quite well,but not at the volume you would need as a transmission cooler. It would also have to be flushed quite well since I wouldn't want to mix refrgerent oil with transmission fluid.

  6. #6
    Ed ke6bnl is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Originally posted by njad61
    After looking at a few pics of tranny coolers, I noticed the lines do look a lot bigger. I don't know how crucial it would be to even add a cooler. I might just go right through my aluminum radiator. I mean, after all, that's what it's made for, right?
    I was told by my trans gut that it is important to take advantage of the heating ability of the radiatior to help warm the trans fluid on cold days. I already purchased an al rad that did not hav provissions for the trans cooler so he got me one with a bypass that pypassed the cooler till the fluid is warmed, being use on some of the newer trucks. So far so good Ed ke6bnl
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  7. #7
    billy marr's Avatar
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    I run my condensor as one with out one problem

  8. #8
    bentwings's Avatar
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    a/c condenser/ oil cooler


    My take would be that it will work just fine. I certainly would put a temp gage in the return line to find out. Remember you don't have a lot of room between 190/200 f motor temp and 240 trans fluid failure (beginning). In a hot rod the temp rise can be startling especially with a trans brake. I don't think I would worry about being too cool unless I lived in cold country (grew up there)

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