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Thread: Restoring my very first car.

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  1. #1
    56chevy joe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Restoring my very first car.


    HELLO ALL...
    I am currently restoring my 1969 LTD.* I had a local shop that was going to restore the car with my help.* We ordered the motor and the 6spd auto trans from a wrecked mustang and started tearing apart the car.* We got the front end rebuilt, the rear axle done and all the brakes done.* We now started to place the motor in and one of the techs came up to me and told me we were going to have problems using this transmission.* I brought it up to the owner and he told me he was hoping Ford would find a fix for the problem, but they have not come up with a solution yet.* I know the basics on how motors and transmissions work but do not understand the problem.* We have the complete motor and transmission out of the wrecked car.* The motor and trans only had 11k miles and the wrecked car was running and would drive before the motor was pulled.* I have all the wiring for the motor and trans as well.* I was told that the transmission will not shift and the motor with the transmission attached and in the wiring harness will not even start.* I was not very happy upon hearing this news and asked what the next step.* I want to use this motor and trans setup not only because I have a lot of money in it, but because I think it would be a great setup.* Basicily I could sell the auto 6 spd trans and put in a 4 spd auto trans and redo the ECU and wiring harness or wait and see when Ford comes out with a fix.* I am trying to be proactive and find a solution before we get to that point.* *

    I am asking for any advise.* I have always had great luck when running into a problem, to go to forums for advise.* This is my first time on this forum in a long time, but I am sure there are very knowledge people that know what I need to do.* Thank all of you for your help.* I am stuck in a really bad spot and appreciate all the help more than you know.* *

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  2. #2
    falconvan's Avatar
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    You may have this base covered but I'd try and contact one of the shops that have done a swap with one of the new Coyote engines or possibly the new Ecoboost engine. Surely someone out there is working on this. Rod and Custom just built a 50 Ford with the Ecoboost.
    1 Corinthians 1:27

  3. #3
    56chevy joe is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have contacted a bunch of them with either emails or voicemails. So far nothing. I just found out about all of this "bad news" on Saturday. Thanks for the help. I will be calling and emailing more tomorrow.
    All men die
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  4. #4
    rspears's Avatar
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    So what are they saying is "The Problem" that Ford needs to address? I agree, no reason you shouldn't be able to use the takeout engine, tranny, ECU and harness if you have a qualified shop doing the work. Now if you have some shade tree shop that doesn't have a clue about how this kind of stuff works, you have a problem.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  5. #5
    cffisher's Avatar
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    I'm not up on fords but it would seem to me if it worked in the donor it will work in the 69. How can the Package know where its at??
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  6. #6
    chopt50wgn is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have to agree with cff................if it worked in the donor then it should work in the 69. Since this is a computer controlled motor & trans then just making sure all the wiring is correct should fix things. I do know that in some cases with newer motors there is also a theft thing with the computer but any savvy tech guy should be able to figure it out.
    Like rs said........what's the problem ford needs to fix?I am skeptical of the shop that's doing this work and you should be as well.
    NTFDAY and cffisher like this.

  7. #7
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    What year engine and trans???? Things you are going to need----donor vin, ecu, wiring harness, both under dash and chassis,probably fuel pump and control module (there were a few different ways of controlling fuel)--------But first item we need to know are what engine and what year the engine/trans are---------did you get the entire donor vehicle?????????or just the take out from the salvage yard???????

    start making plans to remove all your STUFF from that shop--------

    If you want to continue a bit where its at---an engine needs fuel air and ignition to run-----will the engine trun over???????? check for spark-------check for fuel pressure(fuel pressure does not mean tha a modern engine is getting anything, just that its available) while turning engine spray starting fluid in the intake to see if you get combustion----

    This could be as simple as a few ground wires

    If you can , get me the id # on the ecu box----------
    Last edited by jerry clayton; 12-03-2013 at 08:00 AM.
    NTFDAY likes this.

  8. #8
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    Your shop is in over their head. Cut your losses now. Contact the shop and tell them to stop all work, and itemize a bill. Do some research on what shop can take over the project. Be sure to discuss the project in detail with the shop manager. You may have to go out of your area.

    What every one else said is correct: a matching engine and transmission with complete harness should run, even if It's sitting on the ground.

    I doubled the cost of my 73 charger, and it's unfinished despite having spent more than enough to complete it, because I had the wrong shop, and didn't know when to pull the plug.
    NTFDAY likes this.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

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