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Thread: 65 mustang won't shift out of 2nd

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  1. #1
    rjensen43 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Question 65 mustang won't shift out of 2nd


    I have a 64.5 mustang convertible 260v8 w/ auto transmission. It's a great little car, very clean. Problem is it does not get much use, just sets in the garage most of the time. The last time I got it out it would not shift into drive. Just stays in 2nd. I drove it around for a little while thinking maybe once it warmed up it would help, but no luck. Any suggestions, outside of taking it to the fix-it shop. I've always done my own mechanical work, but have no experience with auto transmissions insides. any help would be great....

  2. #2
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rjensen43
    I have a 64.5 mustang convertible 260v8 w/ auto transmission. It's a great little car, very clean. Problem is it does not get much use, just sets in the garage most of the time. The last time I got it out it would not shift into drive. Just stays in 2nd. I drove it around for a little while thinking maybe once it warmed up it would help, but no luck. Any suggestions, outside of taking it to the fix-it shop. I've always done my own mechanical work, but have no experience with auto transmissions insides. any help would be great....
    sounds like a valve in the valve body is stuck. have you tried stoping and starting and shiften it by hand? try some "hi tech" might help.
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  3. #3
    rjensen43 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    ya, I sure did, but didn't seem to help. I'm thinkin' I need to keep taking it for a short drive and it will magically get better.....

  4. #4
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rjensen43
    ya, I sure did, but didn't seem to help. I'm thinkin' I need to keep taking it for a short drive and it will magically get better.....
    gov. will do that 2. thats the reason i got out of the trans rebuild. c4 valve bodies!!!
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    check my home page out!!!

  5. #5
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Have you checked the fluid level and make sure the kick down isn't bound up?
    Ken Thomas
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  6. #6
    rjensen43 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    yes that was one of the first things I did was to check the fluid level. Have not checked the linkage thought. Thanks for the advice.

  7. #7
    R Pope is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Take it on the highway and wind it up a bit in 2nd, don't get crazy, but rev it to 4000 or so. A stuck valve might pop loose at higher rpm and pressures. Changing the fluid might help, too, if it sat for a long time. Those old C4's were a temperamental beastie at best.

  8. #8
    gassersrule_196's Avatar
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    sprag"?????? mine blew up and sounded like a 4 speed missing a gear

  9. #9
    junkyardjeff's Avatar
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    Check to see if the modulator valve is getting vacumn. Jeff

  10. #10
    rjensen43 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks guy’s for all the suggestions. I finally found time to crawl under the old ‘stang yesterday and discovered the vacuum line had a slight increase in diameter and was no longer attached to the transmission. Clipped of a couple of inches and re-attached for now. I will pick up some new line asap.
    Works fine now.... and idles a lot better too.

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