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  • 2 Post By rspears

Thread: Chassis help needed.

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  1. #1
    distinctbeat is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Mar 2015

    Chassis help needed.


    Hey all. I am new to the Model A, but not new to the custom scene. I am going to order a 31 chassis, and am making decisions on set up as well as a builder.
    I believe I am leaning toward a swept front rail, suicide front end with a transverse spring, hair pins or maybe wishbones, a Z'd rear with a 4 link and coil overs.
    I am trying to achieve a very low stance.
    Do you masters have any time proven, good advice on a good set up?
    Additionally do you guys have any suggestions on a builder? I do not intend to use a company like TCI or someone of the like. I would like a builder who is willing to think outside of the box.
    I am all ears...

  2. #2
    jerry clayton's Avatar
    jerry clayton is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Feb 2006

    Look over the frame spec/drawings/print at Wescottsauto.com and maybe that will help you as you go along-

    welcome also

  3. #3
    rspears's Avatar
    rspears is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Sep 2007
    Gardner, KS
    Car Year, Make, Model: '33 HiBoy Coupe, '32 HiBoy Roadster

    Welcome to CHR! A couple of questions, to maybe focus the responses a bit? You say "Model A", and specifically a '31 chassis, but then you say "...a swept front rail, suicide front end with a transverse spring, hair pins or maybe wishbones, a Z'd rear with a 4 link and coil overs." A suicide front end is more of a T-bucket thing than Model A or Deuce. Not that you can't chop off the front rails and hang a suicide mount out from a tube, but that doesn't seem to fit with "...swept front rail". Also, you say you're going to order a chassis, but then you ask for suggestions on a builder? Are you looking for a shop to do a car for you, or are you looking to build a car? Either is OK, but looking to focus a bit.

    What is the "look" you're after for the final car? If you're solid on Model A ('28 to '31 model years) have you thought about mounting the body on '32 rails, which are unique and have a lot of sexy features? Roadster, coupe or sedan? Fiberglass, original steel or repop steel? On another thread the discussion has brought out that from Model A, to Deuce, to '33/34 the cars get both wider and longer on the interior space. Something to consider, too.

    Enough of my questions. Welcome, and hope you'll take time to provide a little more info on where you're wanting to end up, and what path you're wanting to take.
    jerry clayton and lamin8r like this.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

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