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  • 1 Post By rspears
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Thread: Front suspension options

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  1. #1
    blueovalguy's Avatar
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    Question Front suspension options


    I have a 1946 International Panel truck and am looking into front end options. The only place I found with a direct fit kit is Fatman, they have a MII kit and a hub to hub kit. Anybody have any experience with these guys? How is their quality, fit and finish?

  2. #2
    rspears's Avatar
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    I haven't used one myself, but in my time messing around I've never seen anyone complain about the FatMan products. They seem to be a quality engineered, well built product line used by a bunch of people.
    If you're looking at going IFS & IRS have you considered picking up a salvage Jag XJ6 and using both ends? Might be an option to consider to get OEM parts and save some bucks, too.
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  3. #3
    shine's Avatar
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    fatman's is the only mll i will use . it is built strong from heavy wall tubing , not thin metal welded together.

  4. #4
    blueovalguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    I haven't used one myself, but in my time messing around I've never seen anyone complain about the FatMan products. They seem to be a quality engineered, well built product line used by a bunch of people.
    If you're looking at going IFS & IRS have you considered picking up a salvage Jag XJ6 and using both ends? Might be an option to consider to get OEM parts and save some bucks, too.
    Jag rear end isn't going to be wide enough. I'm using pickup rear fenders on the panel, which are twice as wide. That gives me around 79" from outer lip to outer lip.
    If I go IRS, I think it would have to be a Ford Expedition to be wide enough to fill the fenders.

  5. #5
    rspears's Avatar
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    In your other thread several people have suggested grafting in a complete running gear from an Expedition, and that sounds like a fit based on your rear track information. I like the idea of getting an entire vehicle and using the IFS, IRS, engine, tranny, ECU, etc, etc, but I'm not a fan of taking a modern frame and trying to set the body on the new frame. To me that's nothing but a "2005 Expedition with an International body". I prefer seeing the original body and frame, adapting the later running gear into place, but that's just my $0.02.
    NTFDAY likes this.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  6. #6
    blueovalguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    In your other thread several people have suggested grafting in a complete running gear from an Expedition, and that sounds like a fit based on your rear track information. I like the idea of getting an entire vehicle and using the IFS, IRS, engine, tranny, ECU, etc, etc, but I'm not a fan of taking a modern frame and trying to set the body on the new frame. To me that's nothing but a "2005 Expedition with an International body". I prefer seeing the original body and frame, adapting the later running gear into place, but that's just my $0.02.
    I may end up trying to use the IFS & IRS from an Expedition, but I'm not a big fan of computers, EFI etc.
    Whiplash23T likes this.

  7. #7
    Scooting's Avatar
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    Go with Fatman. Quality, no problems. He did my 1936 Hupmobile for me with mailed dimensions, first Hupp kit that he had done. He understands how the suspension should be made to work and work well.

  8. #8
    shine's Avatar
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    i have 2 of the 1800streetrod high end kits laying out back. both cracked and flimsy. i have never seen or heard of a fatman cracking.

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