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Thread: blazer/s-10 front suspension swap

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  1. #1
    abcdef's Avatar
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    blazer/s-10 front suspension swap


    Newbie here. Has anybody tried to take the front suspension parts off of a blazer and put them on a long bed s-10 truck?

  2. #2
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    Re: blazer/s-10 front suspension swap


    Originally posted by abcdef
    Newbie here. Has anybody tried to take the front suspension parts off of a blazer and put them on a long bed s-10 truck?
    R U talkin' about an s-10 blazer or a full size blazer ?????? What year?
    Last edited by pro70z28; 11-27-2004 at 02:18 PM.
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  3. #3
    abcdef's Avatar
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    That would be an S-10 Blazer. Any year (1983 - ???)

  4. #4
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    Originally posted by abcdef
    That would be an S-10 Blazer. Any year (1983 - ???)
    There are some S-10 guys here that can give you a definate answer, but I think they are the same. Maybe different cap. springs but I think the a frames, steering, etc. are the same. I think that includes the GMC's too.
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  5. #5
    abcdef's Avatar
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    If that is true, you have absolutely made my Christmas, but I still want to hear from the S-10 guys like you said.

  6. #6
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by abcdef
    If that is true, you have absolutely made my Christmas, but I still want to hear from the S-10 guys like you said.

    what are they 2 WD or 4WD.
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  7. #7
    abcdef's Avatar
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    Both would be 2 wheel drive

  8. #8
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by abcdef
    Both would be 2 wheel drive

    im no S10 guru but id say it should work, as long as theyer both 2 WD.
    check my home page out!!!

  9. #9
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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  10. #10
    abcdef's Avatar
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    O.K., Here is why I am asking. I have a 49 chevy 1/2 ton pickup that I want to upgrade the front and rear suspension (and keep all chevrolet). I also do NOT want to remeber that the rear came from a 19xx whatever and the front came from a 19xx something else. I am getting too old for that. I am trying to take the "easy" way out and only have to rember it all came from the same vehicle. IF I decide to do a frame swap to an S-10, the rear suspension from an S-10 blazer fits between the frame rails & does not require tubbing the bed or modifying an S-10 long bed frame which has a 117" +/- wheelbase (or so I have been told). Now IF the front suspension from the 2WD blazer will just "bolt on", well here is where you see me jumping up and down with that stupid grin on my face.
    My other option was to subframe a 74 nova front end and use the 74 nova rear end, but I really do not want to cut the frame. But this method (properly done) has been tested for more than 30 years.
    So this is my story and I am sticking to it. (even though there are more holes in it than swiss cheese)
    Thank you for any and all help!
    Last edited by abcdef; 11-28-2004 at 08:45 AM.

  11. #11
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by abcdef
    O.K., Here is why I am asking. I have a 49 chevy 1/2 ton pickup that I want to upgrade the front and rear suspension (and keep all chevrolet). I also do NOT want to remeber that the rear came from a 19xx whatever and the front came from a 19xx something else. I am getting too old for that. I am trying to take the "easy" way out and only have to rember it all came from the same vehicle. IF I decide to do a frame swap to an S-10, the rear suspension from an S-10 blazer fits between the frame rails & does not require tubbing the bed or modifying an S-10 long bed frame which has a 117" +/- wheelbase (or so I have been told). Now IF the front suspension from the 2WD blazer will just "bolt on", well here is where you see me jumping up and down with that stupid grin on my face.
    My other option was to subframe a 74 nova front end and use the 74 nova rear end, but I really do not want to cut the frame. But this method (properly done) has been tested for more than 30 years.
    So this is my story and I am sticking to it. (even though there are more holes in it than swiss cheese)
    Thank you for any and all help!
    if youer asking will a late model a-frame bolt to a 1949 front end. id say no. if youer asking can you put a complete s10 frame under a 49 body then id have to say i dont know, i sure somebody can. looks like to me youer gonna be doing a sub-frame.
    check my home page out!!!

  12. #12
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    If I'm reading your post right you plan to swap the whole S-10 chassis, frame and all. It's a little unclear to me why you need to use an S-10 front end and a blazer rear end? Maybe you have both and plan to use good parts from both to make 1 good chassis? Are the S-10 and S-10 Blazer rear ends 2 different widths? Need some more information. I didn't know there was a '49 Chebbie. P.U. involved in the equation until your last post.
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  13. #13
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by pro70z28
    If I'm reading your post right you plan to swap the whole S-10 chassis, frame and all. It's a little unclear to me why you need to use an S-10 front end and a blazer rear end? Maybe you have both and plan to use good parts from both to make 1 good chassis? Are the S-10 and S-10 Blazer rear ends 2 different widths? Need some more information. I didn't know there was a '49 Chebbie. P.U. involved in the equation until your last post.
    that was kind of a supprise.
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  14. #14
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    http://www.v8s10.org/forum/ <~~S10 board.. the frames are different between the s10 & blazers, front suspension parts will swap, rear is diff. if you plan to use the complete s10 frame be prepared to run 8" rims on the front because of the width of the suspension. you can get larger front rotors by using 2000 blazer spindles w/late model camaro hubs this will also push your wheels out about 3/4inch on both sides . the s10 rearend is too narrow, use a nova or late 60's or early 70's fullsize GM w/ 5 x 4 3/4 bolt pattern.
    ID suspenion web site~~> http://www.chevytrucks.org/tech/ifs&rearend.htm
    fullsize P/U suspension under AD truck~~> http://www.the-antidote.com/one/1chass01.htm
    47chevy w/s10 frame~~> http://www.mongosgarage.com/S47/progress.htm
    look for 47-54 chevy mock up~~> http://www.usbody.com/Pages_Info/F-Installations.htm
    47-54 front suspension upgrades~~> http://<br /> <a href="http://www.c...fsswap.htm</a>
    a bunch of stuff~~> http://www.chevytrucks.org/tech/index.htm
    Last edited by TooMany2count; 11-28-2004 at 12:54 PM.
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  15. #15
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    the stock frame is narrower than the s10 frame so u'll have to fab up some new bodymounts, but the stock s10 ones may line up close enuff to use on ur project, check the website http://www.usbody.com/Pages_Info/F-Installations.htm they do a mock up on a pick up
    last but not least read through So-What's post on Hamb http://www.jalopyjournal.com/ubbthre...5&o=&fpart=all he has done a few himself

    the swap that i'm doing is not for the faint at heart. 1st i stretched the frame 37inches, cut the front frame horns off to about the steering box & added about 12inches on the rear of the frame. i am making my own floor/firewall since i will be lowwering the body over the frame and w/running a 425/400 Caddy combo the needed to be replaced so i will ove it back about 3-4inches. will be using either 1x1 or 1x 1 1/2 tubing for the frame work of the floor & lay sheet metal over all of it
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