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Thread: GM Rear Ends

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  1. #1
    Triker is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Question GM Rear Ends


    Whic GM cars and years had 2.73 rear ends? (GU2)

  2. #2
    glennsexton's Avatar
    glennsexton is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well that's one of these "Have you stopped beating your wife?" questions. No easy answer. I know for sure every F bodied Third Generation GM car (1982–1992) had the GU2 as an option - depending on the engine transmission combination. It would be safe to say that there are a gazillion of these rear ends in bone yards across America.

    From the rear end "bible of information that I may someday use":

    Rear Axle Code example: GU2 O 030 1 EO
    GU2 = Ratio - 2.73:1
    O = Plant - Oldsmobile
    030 = Day of year – January 30 (uses Julian Date, i.e., 1 = January 1st - 365 = December 31 [except Leap Year December 31st is 366])
    1 = Shift – Day Shift
    O = Positraction Code – Oldsmobile Positraction

    Assembly Plant Codes:
    B = Buick
    C = Buffalo NY
    D = Cadillac
    G = Detroit Gear & Axle (OEM to General Motors)
    K = General Motors of Canada -
    W = Warren, MI
    O = Oldsmobile
    P = Pontiac
    M –= Pontiac of Canada

    D or 1 = Day shift
    N or 2 = Night shift

    Positraction Code:
    Blank = Non Positraction
    D = Dana Positraction Differential
    E = Eaton Positraction Differential
    G = Chevrolet G&A Positraction Carrier
    O = Oldsmobile Positraction Carrier
    W = Warren/Warner Motive

    Positraction Casting Numbers for 8.5" "Corporate"
    Casting # Series - Gearing
    410408N 3 - 2.73:1 and lower (larger numerically)
    410409N 2 - 2.56:1 and higher (smaller numerically)

    Rear Housing Casting Date
    Example: E143
    E = Month - May
    10 = Day – 10th
    3 = Last digit of year - 1993

    Month: A = January, B = February and so forth incrementally through L = December

    As to actual ratio codes - there's too many to list - Google them.

    No guarantees here as I've seen some exceptions.Always need to take take the cover off and count teeth to be sure.

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