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Thread: Resealing a Brake Proportioning Valve

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  1. #1
    Msgt Luttrell's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1986 IROC Z28

    Resealing a Brake Proportioning Valve


    Guys, on my '86 IROC Z, the slide piston inside the proportioning valve has leaky seals on it, which allows a small leak to exist on the vent, which is built into the end cap. I would just replace the whole valve assembly, but they don't make it anymore. I could use a couple year newer valve but they changed the line flare fitting thread pitch from standard to metric, after the year model I have, so that approach would require me to cut and reflare all the lines with new fittings. I have found a few on Ebay used for around 50 bucks, but who knows what shape the seals on a used one would be like.

    So based on this info I'd rather find a seal kit and just reseal the slide piston inside the valve I have and be good to go, but I'm not having any luck with finding a reseal kit for it. I know brake fluid takes a different type of seals than petroleum, wonder if I would be able to just size up the correct seals at a parts store. Any of you been in this jam before and if so, which way did you go to remedy it?

  2. #2
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    These fellows have a presence over on chevelles.com, give 'em a call. Chances are they can supply the seals you need....
    Marc McGrew
    Sales Manager
    Inline Tube


  3. #3
    Msgt Luttrell's Avatar
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    Thanks Tech, I found a guy that says he knows where a good valve for my year model is, if that doesn't pan out I'll get with these guys and see if they can source me the seals.

  4. #4
    Msgt Luttrell's Avatar
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    Yeah Denny, I'd found that site too, but can't find any reference to whether or not any of those years seals will fit the '86 valve; from all the tech data I've found, the valve I have was only used 86-88 camaros. I should know something this week on a used one here locally, but it may also needs seals; if so I'll get with the guys Tech turned me on to. If all else fails I'll go visit a speed shop I frequent in Fort Smith and see if they can source me some seals. I'll let ya'll know how it turns out.

  5. #5
    Msgt Luttrell's Avatar
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    Here is a pic of the valve, I have not been able to make out any numbers on the valve body.

    Last edited by Msgt Luttrell; 06-26-2016 at 07:55 PM.

  6. #6
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    A word of caution on the IROC Z 28s in that era--------there were some that had speedometers that only went to around 80-100 and there were some that went to 160?------various reasons------the tires that were ordered on the car effected the speed that the GOVERNMENT would let the MANUFACTURERS set in the computer and also there were numerous options on brakes-------if you have disc brakes all around and a speedo that is higher mph, your brake valve, master cylinder,etc, will be different from a pokey 85mph polictical correct car-

    Sooooo----whats your speedo and brake system ????
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  7. #7
    Msgt Luttrell's Avatar
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    My IROC came with a 305 TPI engine, 145 MPH speedo, 16" wheel package and disc/drum brakes from the factory, you could order these cars just about any way you wanted and all these options match the factory RPO Codes on the car. I recently replaced the stock TPI 305 engine with a carburated, fire breathing 383 Stroker, raising the bar from 190 HP and 285 ft lbs of torque to 430 HP and 452 ft lbs of torque; this is how the car should have been built and it gained a lot of character with the swap. Here is a pic of the factory RPO Codes...........

    Last edited by Msgt Luttrell; 06-27-2016 at 07:26 AM.
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  8. #8
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    soooooooooo---you need a valve for disc/drum brakes---------if you can't find one for your Camaro, go look for one from a Mustang, Torino, Comet with disc/drum brakes------
    I had an 86 IROC and I know what your saying with ordering them any way you wanted-also had a lot of delete options as for radio, ac, ps--------
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  9. #9
    Msgt Luttrell's Avatar
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    I did finally find a place that sells new proportioning valves for the car, at 185 bucks though, I'm going to try a reseal first. http:// http://www.flynbye.com/catalog/i40.html

  10. #10
    rspears's Avatar
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    Sarge, reading from the start your problem is that they changed from standard to metric fittings after this three year span, right? Edelmann makes a full line of standard to metric adapter fittings, available on line or at any good auto parts box store. The listing from O'Reilly's - List: Hydraulic Brake Fittings | O'Reilly Auto Parts
    You can get any disc/drum valve that fits, and for a few bucks adapt your standard lines to a metric body.
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    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  11. #11
    Msgt Luttrell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Sarge, reading from the start your problem is that they changed from standard to metric fittings after this three year span, right? Edelmann makes a full line of standard to metric adapter fittings, available on line or at any good auto parts box store. The listing from O'Reilly's - List: Hydraulic Brake Fittings | O'Reilly Auto Parts
    You can get any disc/drum valve that fits, and for a few bucks adapt your standard lines to a metric body.
    Now this is some handy info! I've been wrenching my whole life and have never seen adapter fittings that will go from standard to metric or visa versa; learn something new every day.
    Last edited by Msgt Luttrell; 06-28-2016 at 06:43 AM.
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  12. #12
    Msgt Luttrell's Avatar
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    Good news, my buddy came through with a good valve from a salvage yard; I disassembled and inspected it and all the internals and seals look like new.
    techinspector1 likes this.

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