I'm new to posting anything so I hope this will post okay.

I have a 1938 Ford tudor deluxe sedan street rod that has a 1974 351w and a 74 FMX in it.

I rebuilt the 351w and tranny. Am ready to lift the body to check the frame and install a rear sway bar and change colors on body.

It has a MII front end on it . I installed a front sway bar and changed springs so far. It had a coil and a half cut off old springs and had two sets of spacer blocks in them . To make it pass Pa. inspection I changed the springs and did cut one half coil the get the riding height I wanted.

I'm a Chevy man but thought I'd keep the Ford stuff in it. Seems the old Fords all have 350-350's in them.

Do any of you guys have Ford motors in your 1937 to 1940 Fords?

Just wondering. I sure enjoy reading this forum, you guys are tops in my book.
