Whakka Deer...
Not a new game by any means and I've played it a few times before. Tagged a nice 6 point as it ran across in front of me the other morning... I was almost stopped and caught him in the right haunch.

Blew out the headlight and mashed the hood but that was the brunt of the damage.

Bent the headlight bracket a good amount but that was easy to put back into shape.

Junk yard hood and light... $90 total.
New light installed. All of the bulbs worked!

Bent the bracket back where it needs to be. I need to pick up a couple of retention clips. The two I have in there are marginal.

Hood had been repainted so I hit it with an 80 grit disc on a soft pad and took it down to the original paint.

Found a couple of rust spots so I am working those out.

I'll install the hood this weekend to make sure it fits prior to paint.
That's my excitement...