I thought I'd show some pics of my brother in law's 56 Chevy survivor. I may have some rust repairs to do on this in the future, but I think he really enjoys driving it just the way it is...untouched.

This car was left to him by his uncle who bought the car new in Dec of 1955. It stayed primarily on the farm, and was kept out of the weather in a shed. Where it does show some battle scars and has some rust damage from over the years, it is neat to see a car left largely untouched.

Are these mirrors an original Chevy item? Dealer installed? My bil did say he had a receipt where his uncle had taken the car back for dealer installed back up lights, not sure on these, though.

Farmer repaired eyebrows using aluminum flashing and paint purchased at the dealer..

Original wheels with the factory pin stripe...

This is one of the nicest fitting doors I have ever seen on a tri five...

Having performed some of the tri five roof repairs, it's nice to see one in this pristine condition, still in factory paint. Looks like having been in the shade of a shed has protected the car from the extreme temperature changes that causes the condensation inside the roof skin.

More farm repairs.... heater control knob..

...and here's the original mileage on this 6 cylinder car...