Well Guys and Gals,I have recovered enough from my knee replacement surgeries and been given the tick of approval from the surgeon and physio. it is time to adventure out into the dark corners of the garage and blow the cobwebs out to find the Bucket.First job was to push the car out so that I could sweep the floor etc. and tidy up somewhat. Then due to the fact that I was enjoying being out and about with no pain I decided that maybe I should shock myself and the neighbours by giving the Bmmer a wash. So with water blaster hooked up I tackled that job and then as you could see the difference on the concrete where the car was, decided that I should water blast the whole drive way.Off and on I managed that in three days due to the fact that we have a shared driveway with the folks behind us plus most of the backyard and carport in concrete. Any way while I had the side door open to the garage for the electric lead,one of the neighbour hood sway cats decided to have a look around in my garage unbeknown to me. Of course once finished for the day,I packed everything away and lock the cat in the garage. Well,imagine the smell as this thing sprays it's scent every where so I had to wait a day before a friend dropped of a cat catching cage so that I could catch the damn thing. Anyway,it was hungry and he/she was caught within minutes so it was off to the local vet to the put down. That was yesterday so today I again opened up the garage,push the Bucket back out,picked up everything the cat had knocked down,cleaned up and enjoyed the slight breeze blowing fresh air through the garage. Oh yes then I spent 2 to 3 hours drilling and taping holes in 10 mm flat for the door hinges to bolt too. And why do all the small drills from 9/64 break when you are trying not to break them?? Luckily it was the last of the sixteen holes I had to drill, so was rather pleased with myself. The next step is to get a mig welder to weld all the inner frame together so that I can work out exactly where the hinges will go.
I am so pleased with myself and oh the joy of being able to stand,walk and move about with absolutely no drugs and no pain, now if I could get a good job paying millions,I would be one extremely happy Rodder.