For ten years I have used a Centry 110v mig. It has servrd me well for being a cheapo welder, but it has finally flaked out on me and will not even produce a decent tack weld. I have abused this welder to no end in the worst of conditions, and I have definately gotten my money's worth out of it. I am now in need of a new welder and am ready to step up to a 220v unit. I dont want to spend to much as I need to keep the budget in check. I have my eyes set on a Millermatic 180. I did a search of the forums and there are a few positive coments on the Miller 180 but they are all a few years old.

So my question is what is the current opinion on the Millermatic 180 ?
Is anyone here currently using one ? and do they still like it ?
Good or Bad I want to here from those using this welder, I know Miller has a good reputation but is the 180 worthy of it ?

I do mostly automotive hobby type of work and for the real heavy stuff I use my stick welder.