Well I hope Don and the boys have fun and the cars do ok on their first test run. I am waylaid waiting on parts for the brakes, so I worked on removing the hood vent cowl that was rusted in place. The old addage one thing leads to another, rings true here as well. First I had to unfreeze the mechanism that pushes open the cowl vent. Next I had to break free the bolts holding the sheet metal cover off to get at the mounting screws that were rusted in place. A trip to NAPA for an impact driver later, and the 8 standard screws came loose. Next I had to remove the rusted glove box that was in the way, next an old antennae, and finally after some major swearing I pried the old broken mechanism out, what a pain in the butt! I'm glad I did this now, as the sheet metal cover to the cowl is very rusted and half cancered away. I planned originaly to ignore this, but Now I have access under the dash for a new wiring harness, and will be able to stop the corrosion from causing problems down the line. The worst part is starting one thing, just to get a sense of completion, only to have it snow ball into a hundred other projects. But............ I'm not in a race , so what the hay. As long as my wife doesn't complain about the costs, I can only smile. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Steve.